DPSS Radar Research Topics 2 December 2010 Leon Staphorst Principle Researcher Radar and Electronic Warfare Defence, Peace, Safety and Security
Slide 2 of 41 © CSIR Presentation outline Team and current research topics Overview of potential research topics Questions and discussion
Slide 3 of 41 © CSIR Presentation outline Team and current research topics Overview of potential research topics Questions and discussion
Slide 4 of 41 Team and current research topics (1) Radar at DPSS consists of two research groups: o Radar Experimental Design o Radar Research and Applications What do we do: o Radar Innovation: Develop radar concepts Develop radar algorithms and techniques Partner with industry Aligned to R&D thrusts o Radar Knowledgeable Services: Gripen Radar Acquisition Support Gripen Radar Performance Modelling for Tactics Development Frigate Radar ECCM Evaluation Navy Patrol Vessel Radar Acquisition Support
Slide 5 of 41 Team and current research topics (2) o Utilise advanced radar facilities: Experiment with real world data Real time demonstration of developed techniques Develop advanced radar concept demonstrators New systems New modes for existing facilities o Persistent Ubiquitous Surveillance R&D thrust: Wide area surveillance with rich information Detect small, difficult to see targets Classify targets Fusion with other sensors (Electro-optics, Signal Intelligence) Extract intent of targets
Slide 6 of 41 © CSIR Presentation outline Team and current research topics Overview of potential research topics Questions and discussion
Slide 7 of 41 Overview of potential research topics (1) Topic 1: Classification of airborne/maritime targets using High Range Resolution (HRR) profiles, High Doppler Resolution (HDR) profiles and/or inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) images: Development of a target feature database and a set of robust algorithms that use HRR profiles, HDR profiles and ISAR images to extract key features for classification purposes Topic 2: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery classification: Automatically classifying objects of interest, such as roads, fences and vegetation
Slide 8 of 41 Overview of potential research topics (2) Topic 3: Radar Cross Section (RCS) modelling of targets and using different scattering mechanisms to aid with classification: Understanding the different types of scattering mechanisms from complex targets and investigating how this information can be used to aid with classification Topic 4: Characterization of Doppler returns for ground-based radar: Modelling and/or characterization of Doppler returns from animals and vegetation in order to distinguish various characteristics of targets based on long dwell-time Doppler measurements
Slide 9 of 41 Overview of potential research topics (3) Topic 5: An investigation of the appearance of different Electromagnetic (EM) scattering mechanisms in radar imaging techniques such as SAR and ISAR: Investigate the appearance of more realistic EM scattering as observed through SAR and/or ISAR processing in order to qualify the artefacts produced, as well as identifying methods to improve the integration gain for non-point-target-like scattering. Topic 6: Analysis of the correlations between ship motion (dynamics) and sea conditions as a function of ship size and shape Investigate whether motion data measured by a radar can be coupled to physical parameters of a ship
Slide 10 of 41 Overview of potential research topics (4) Topic 7: Multiple scatterer tracking and parameter estimation in HRR profile data: Tackling the problem of tracking individual scatterers and possibly matching them to scatterer models, which is the next step in solving the single aperture 3D ISAR problem Topic 8: Optimisation of automated decision making for radar waveform and antenna control of mechanically scanned radars: Study into techniques for jointly controlling a mechanically scanned radar’s beam and waveform with the aim of optimising detection, tracking and classification performance jointly Topic 9: Model matching of moving objects to their u-Doppler spectrum : Develop a model based approach to target classification with the idea of also being able to reconstruct object behaviour
Slide 11 of 41 Overview of potential research topics (5) Topic 10: The use of radar to detect rock falls in mines: Can a radar help with the problem of early detection of cracks in a mine roof structure ? Topic 11: Design of an urban (possibly low frequency) ground-based SAR for imaging and mapping informal rural areas: Develop a cheap way of mapping rural areas Topic 12: Comparison of traditional phased array and MIMO radars: Investigate performance trade-offs between classic phased array radars and MIMO radars
Slide 12 of 41 Overview of potential research topics (6) Topic 13: Comparison of Classification Fusion techniques (textual based fusion): Investigate Dempster-Schaefer vs. Bayesian approaches Topic 14: Improving Track Fusion: Improvement through the use of classification information
Slide 13 of 41 © CSIR Presentation outline Team and current research topics Overview of potential research topics Questions and discussion
Slide 14 of 41 Questions and discussions Any questions or comments can be sent to: Leon Staphorst Tel: Cell: