Introduction to College Algebra
Placement Exam on Blackboard Go to Find math_placement201110: Math Placement (Spring 2011) from My ESU Course Listmath_placement201110: Math Placement (Spring 2011) Take the exam Every MA110 student must take the placement exam! (overview assignment #1 – 10 points)Every MA110 student must take the placement exam! (overview assignment #1 – 10 points)
Prerequisite Survey Complete the prerequisite survey now! This survey is only intended for data collection.
Warning! It is your responsibility to make sure you are in the proper class. If you enroll into a wrong course, you have to buy a new access code ($$$) before you can register for another course! So if you are not ready to take college algebra, do not take it!
Spring 2011 College Algebra Sections Lab Sections at Brighton –Sections A/B: MWF 10: :50 am –Sections E/F: MWF 2:00 - 2:50 pm –Section K: MW 6:30 - 7:50 pm Lecture Sections ( using a different textbook ) –Section C: MWF 9:00 - 9:50 am at SH 247 –Sections D/G: MWF 10: :50 am at SH 247 –Section J: MWF 12: :50 pm at SH 247 I-section: (should be taken with MA098I) MTWRF, 8:00-8:50 AM
What you can expect from this class Your instructors CARE about your SUCCESS. Your instructors are willing to help and answer your questions. We will NOT lecture 50 minutes each time. There are many ways to learn the material. We will show you how to navigate in CourseCompass to help you find your learning style. We will have some group activities.
What we are expecting from you Have a positive attitude Set your goals at the beginning Work hard Ask questions Use your instructors’ office hours Be honest on your academic work
Do not be like him!
Syllabus and Policies If you have an approved reason to miss an exam, contact your instructor ASAP. You may only make-up the exam if you can take it in advance of the regularly scheduled exam. Otherwise, your final exam score will be used in its place. Since all assignments can be completed in advance, homework and quizzes will not be accepted after the due date. However, the two lowest homework and quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Attendance Good Attendance is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Here are real-life examples: –Student X: 88.4% + 1.5% (90% attendance) = A –Student Y: 58.9% (30% attendance) = failing!
Schedule Start HWSection ObjectiveHW ? HW dueStart Quiz ?DueStart Review ? Due 14-Jan1.1 Plot a point in the rectangular coordinate system Jan 21-Jan 1 23-Jan 7-Feb 1 8-Feb Graph a function by plotting points Determine x,y-intercepts Interpreting a graph from an application Jan1.2 Determine if ordered pair list is a function, find domain and range Jan 5 3 Determine if y is a function of x Evaluate a function at a given value Use vertical line test Graph f and g and describe the difference between them Given graph, find domain, range, x,y-intercepts, and function value Jan1.3 Determine intervals where increasing, decreasing, constant Jan 28-Jan 1 30-Jan 7 Determine if a function is even, odd, or neither Evaluate a piecewise function at given points Find and simplify a difference quotient Jan 1.4 Find equation of a line given slope and a point Jan 5 11 Find equation of a line given two points Graph a linear function Graph a linear function using x,y-intercepts Extend concept of slope to new types of problems Find equation of line parallel or perpendicular to another line Jan1.6 Given graph, pick translated function Feb 4-Feb 1 6-Feb 15 Given graph, pick reflected/stretched function Graph transformation of a parabola Match graph of transformation of a basic function Find formula for transformation of a basic function Feb1.7 Find domain of a rational function Feb 6 18 Find domain of a radical function Combine functions using the algebra of functions, and find domains Find composition of two functions Given composition of two functions, find original functions All assignments are due at 11:59 pm on the day indicatedExam 1 will be held during class time on Wednesday, February 9
Overview Assignment
If you are retaking college algebra …… You need to CHANGE your learning habit.
How Can I Succeed? Come to class regularly Turn off your cellphone and MP3 player Buy a notebook and take notes Do all your homework and try to get 100% Do all your quizzes at least 3 times Spend a significant amount of time preparing for exams Do each exam review quiz at least 3 times Go to the exam review sessions
Have a great semester!