2014 PASFAA Spring Training State Grant and Special Programs Christine Zuzack
2014-15 Appropriations 2013-2014 Budget 2014-2015 Board Request 2013-2014 Budget 2014-2015 Board Request 2014-2015 Governor’s Proposals Percent Change from 2013-2014 to 2014-2015 PHEAA Administered State Grant Program $344.888 $362.132 0% Institutional Assistance Grants (IAG) $24.389 $25.608 Matching Funds $12.496 $13.121 Higher Education of the Disadvantaged (Act 101) $2.246 $2.358 Higher Education of Blind or Deaf Students $0.047 $0.049 Pennsylvania Internship Program Grants $0.350 n/a $0.000 -100% Ready to Succeed Scholarships $25.000 100% Co-Administered Bond-Hill Scholarship $0.534 Cheyney Keystone Academy $1.525 $2.000 Total $386.475 $405.802 $411.475 6.37%
2014-15 Appropriations PHEAA will finalize their 2014-15 supplements based on available revenues at the June 2014 Board of Directors meeting. Current expectations are: PA State Grant Program: $75 million State Grant Distance Education Pilot: $10 million PA-TIP: $6 million
State Grant Purchasing Power
SG & Pell Grant Purchasing Power
2014-15 SG Awards Award to be determined at the April 24 Board of Directors meeting. Public announcements of awards will be made shortly thereafter. Estimator Program will be updated with 2014-15 award parameters.
2014-15 COTW All institutions must submit their anticipated 2014-15 costs through ALEC. Due date for submission of information is April 14, 2014. 2013-14 costs will be used for those schools that do not provide updated information.
State Grant Transactions Selected SG update transactions and online reports will be phased out January 1, 2015 and replaced with the Partner Interface. These include: SCHG (FG11) ECHG (FG5T) ACTN (FG5Y) GPAD (FG77) GAPS (FG5K) The paper reports for GPAD and GAPS will continue to be generated on PageCenter
State Grant Transactions Partner Interface Replacement Transactions:
CMWeb Conversion to MFG New web-based file transfer system called My File Gateway (MFG) will enhance data security. Log into MFG using your unique CG Number (RACF ID) and password (RACF password). New users must request access to MFG via BPAMS for Web File Transmissions to add that user to the mailbox group. MFG documentation can be found at https://sfweb.pheaa.org. All external users of CMWeb must be converted to MFG no later than June 30, 2014. On this date, CMWeb will be removed from the server.
State Grant Uncashed Refunds What is the correct action if the school has correctly disbursed State Grant funds and issued a refund check, but the refund check remains uncashed? Based on the fact that the money distributed is considered to be a refund of previously paid student or other funds and not the State Grant funds, (i.e. money is fungible and we don't consider the refund to be attributable to the State Grant Funds but overpayment of other amounts) the funds are basically the students.
State Grant Uncashed Refunds The school needs to insure compliance with the Commonwealth's unclaimed property law. Monies that are not claimed by an individual but held by a third party must be turned over to the Bureau of Unclaimed Property after the designated holding period. The school would have to report the funds in the name of the student. The amount needs to be paid to the Pennsylvania Treasury attributable to the individual who did not cash the check. The school needs to check with their lawyers or consult with the Bureau to insure compliance with the unclaimed property law and turn over the funds to Treasury after the holding period has expired. Additional information at http://www.patreasury.gov/unclaimedProperty.html
2014 Summer State Grants Student applications available from March 15 through August 15 Email notifications can be sent to your students concerning the availability of the summer application All 2013-14 and 2014-15 applicants with a valid email address Contact sghelp@pheaa.org SUMMER STUDENT GRANT APPL identifies applicants in PageCenter
2014 Summer State Grants Students must be enrolled for at least 6 credits spanning 8 weeks of attendance Non-consecutive “mini-terms” may be combined to achieve the 8 week minimum enrollment period All information necessary to complete the Summer 2014 application must be received by October 31, 2014
2014 Summer State Grants 2014 Summer User Guide available on the Document Library
2014 Summer Term Changes Distributed in March
2014 Summer Term Changes Summary of changes Summer 2014 outstanding disbursement rosters, reconciliation rosters, and/or refunds will prevent academic year disbursements effective October 31, 2014. Based on historical usage patterns, an adjustment percent of net funds due for the Summer term will be applied to all Pennsylvania schools. All schools will be required to certify a Summer 2014 pre-disbursement roster before the Summer 2014 disbursement roster is generated Although eligibility announcements to schools and students begin in late May, Summer term disbursements will not be available until after passage of the Commonwealth budget (June 30, 2014 anticipated date.) All schools will be required to certify a reconciliation roster for the Summer term The refund deadline for the 2014 Summer term is changed to October 31, 2014 (currently published as November 15).
Distance Education Pilot Program In July of 2013, legislation passed to permit PHEAA to offer a State Grant Distance Education Pilot Program for five years. Current regulations and policies limited distance education programs and enrollments for students. PHEAA provided $10 M in funding for 2013-14. There are currently 77 campus locations participating in the Pilot for 2013-14.
Distance Education Pilot Program There will be some funds available for 2014 Summer awards for students participating through the DE Pilot Program. Should apply for a Summer award using the SG Summer Application available in Account Access. Specifics on the Summer nomination process will be forthcoming.
Distance Education Pilot Program Applications for new schools to apply for participation in the DE Pilot for the 2014-15 award year will be available May 1, 2014. The due date for submission is July 1, 2014. A new disbursement process for 2014-15 will separate funds disbursed for DE Pilot students from those for regular SG recipients. Disbursement processing for 2014-15 will be through the Partner Interface.
Master Agreements To participate in the PA State Grant Program effective with the 2015-16 award year, a school must complete a Master Agreement and Schedule A. Must have two original versions returned to PHEAA signed by an “authoritative” source. The legal name of the school must be entered on the documents.
“Satisfactory Character” Schedule A 2(b) is modeled after 24 P.S. §5158.2. 24 P.S. §5158.2 requires institutions to report to PHEAA the name and address of any students who are PA residents: a. who are expelled, dismissed or denied enrollment for refusal to obey a lawful regulation or order of any institution of higher education, which refusal contributed to a disruption of the activities, administration or classes of the institution. b. of whom the institution has knowledge that has been convicted of any offense committed in the course of disturbing, interfering with or preventing, or in an attempt to disturb, interfere with or prevent the orderly conduct of the activities, administration or classes of an institution of higher education
“Satisfactory Character” c. of whom the institution has knowledge that has been convicted of a criminal offense which, under the laws of the United States or the Commonwealth, would constitute a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a felony.
“Satisfactory Character” As the institution’s obligation is a statutory requirement, §2(b) does not add any additional obligations on the institution. 2. For clarification: the reporting requirements only apply to those students who are approved to receive/are receiving PA State Grant aid. FERPA 34 CFR § 99.31 allows schools to disclose information for financial aid eligibility determination for a student. “Moral Turpitude”. Because of their licensing of teachers, the Pennsylvania Department of Ed has compiled a specific list of crimes that have been adjudicated as a crime of moral turpitude. Check PDE website for additional information.
“Satisfactory Character” PHEAA’s use of the information 24 P.S. §5158.2 states that PHEAA may deny financial assistance to any student who is subject to the above. 22 Pennsylvania Code §121 requires applicants/recipients to have and maintain satisfactory character. The regulation states that PHEAA may consider, among other factors, convictions of misdemeanors of the first, second or third degrees.
“Satisfactory Character” Reporting mechanism being developed for schools in Partner Interface using the “special request” feature. New fields on the student display will indicate reason for reporting and date of school knowledge.
SG Credit Reporting New credit reporting requirements introduced for 2013-14 There is a Page Center Report to assist you with this requirement labeled “Attempted Credits for 2013 Academic Year” (PageSet LWS43LWS43R2) Information due by June 30, 2014 Training materials available at http://www.pheaa.org/partner-access/training/state-grant-training.shtml 2013-14 Credit Report Presentation 2013-14 Credit Reporting Q&As State Grant Credit Reporting Tips Attempted Credit Report
State Outcomes Reporting Virginia http://research.schev.edu/apps/info/Reports.Guide-to-the-Retention-and-Graduation-Reports.ashx District of Columbia http://osse.dc.gov/publication/dc-tuition-assistance-grant-dc-tag-10-year-accomplishments-report Indiana http://www.in.gov/che/files/2014_Completion_Report_Full_Report.pdf West Virginia http://www.wvhepc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Financial_Aid_Report_2013.pdf
SG Certification Workshops The 2014-15 State Grant Certification Workshops will be scheduled and registration information released soon. Full day program based on school feedback. Format of the Certification Procedures changing to a State Grant Handbook with certification procedure chapters dedicated to specific topics, i.e. school eligibility, student eligibility, cash management, etc.
Mailing to High School Seniors
Mailing to High School Seniors
Email to Renewals
Ready to Succeed Scholarships Governor Corbett announced the Ready to Succeed Scholarship Program (RETSS) in his budget address on February 4. The purpose is to make college more affordable and to reduce student loan indebtedness. $25 million in funding for the 2014-15 award year PHEAA working with the PA Department of Education on program parameters
Ready to Succeed Scholarships Targeted for students who demonstrate academic merit from families with annual incomes not exceeding $110,000 A definition of “merit” for entering students and enrolled students is still under discussion Full-time students could receive up to $2,000 and part-time students up to $1,000 Legislation and funding necessary for program implementation
Ready to Succeed Scholarships Will use many of the State Grant Program eligibility criteria except financial need and academic merit If legislation and funding approved, look for institutional application for 2014-15 participation
PA-TIP The 2014-15 school application deadline is December 31, 2014. The 2014-15 student application deadline is March 31, 2015 The Graduation Date Report is important! Three eligible core industries: Energy Advanced Materials and Diversified Manufacturing Agriculture and Food Production
2014 Summer SWSP Summer 2014 work period extends from May 11 to August 16. Student deadline for application is June 30 Employer deadline for application is June 30
Chafee Education & Training Grants Federal program for youth aging out of foster care. New student application deadline for 2014-15 is March 31, 2015 Current maximum annual award is $4,000. Certification of awards is important to expend all funds and service as many students as possible.
Discontinued Programs No GEAR-Up awards for 2014-15 2014-15 NETS awards only to prior year recipients who are continuing in an eligible program of study. Reporting requirements still in place for prior NETS recipients.
Training Go to: http://www.pheaa.org/partner-access/training/index.shtml
Contact Information Mailboxes: sghelp@pheaa.org ■ paetg@pheaa.org act101@pheaa.org ■ pegp@pheaa.org bdbg@pheaa.org ■ patip@pheaa.org iag@pheaa.org ■ path@pheaa.org eap@pheaa.org nets@pheaa.org gearup@pheaa.org matchingfunds@pheaa.org Telephone: 800.443.0646
Questions? Christine Zuzack Vice President State Grant and Special Programs 717.720.2368 czuzack@pheaa.org