How to Succeed in BIOL102 A step-by-step guide by Dr. Tamarkin
Don’t Panic! You can do it. I am here to help. Tutors are here to help. Your classmates are here to help.
Coming to every class is a good start... Course concepts are explained during lecture. You need to learn them by studying outside of lecture. You will get course updates, quiz dates, and test dates in class. You can set up study groups with classmates when you see them. Labs reinforce what you learn in lecture.
Studying is the next step... You will have to study: this material does not always come easy Expect to study 3 – 4 hours for every hour of lecture. Plan times in your day specifically for studying. Study Groups work best!
How should you study? Read your textbook –try to read ahead –have a dictionary handy –take NOTES... do not simply highlight Have the right disposition –be awake –be in a study-friendly environment
How should you study? (continued) Use your class notes: –Re-write your class notes –Compare your class notes to your textbook notes Write down anything you don’t fully understand and ASK Study with your classmates
How should you study? (continued) Memorization alone will not be sufficient –to understand biology you have to understand concepts –learn the terminology as a stepping stone to the concepts (not instead of concepts) –try drawing outlines and pictures when studying Use the course websites! Use the textbook website.
Taking good notes in class is another important step... What should you put in your notes? –Headings & dates –What your instructor writes on the board –What your instructor draws on the board add a little “figure legend” or description of the drawing in your own words –Any stories or descriptions your instructor says (or acts out) that help you understand something (you won’t remember them later) –Any ideas of your own that make sense to you
When should you be concerned with a bad grade? Students typically get the same grade on their first quizzes as they do on their first test. Students who seek assistance in studying tend to improve their grades dramatically. We have many quizzes and tests in this class, which helps you.