“You can enhance or destroy students’ desire to succeed in school more quickly and permanently through your use of assessment than with any other tools you have at your disposal.” Dr. Rick Stiggins
CP 2.3 The teacher plans assessments to measure student progress toward mastery of the GPS. AL 1.3 The teacher uses a variety of summative assessment strategies to evaluate student status relative to mastery of the GPS.
Standards-Based Education Assessment should… Compares students against the standards rather than students against students. Makes possible the idea that all students can receive an equal opportunity to learn.
Keys to Quality Classroom Assessment Accurate Assessment 1. Clear Purpose Why assess? What’s the purpose? Who will use the results? 2. Clear Targets Assess what? What are the learning targets? Are they clear? Are they good? 3. Good Design Assess how? What method? Sampled how? Avoid bias--how? Effectively Used 4. Sound Communication Communicate how? How do we manage information? How do we report? Feedback Differentiation 5. Student Involvement Students are users, too. Students need to understand learning targets, too. Students can participate in the assessment process, too. Students can track progress and communicate, too. Copyright 2007 Solution Tree 4
A Balanced Assessment System Assessment of is Summative Norm-referenced, standardized, teacher created A snapshot Essential Question What have the students learned? Assessment for is Formative Teacher-created A moving picture Essential Questions How can we help students learn more?
Characteristics of Assessment Summative Assessment …of Learning End of Learning Chapter, unit, EOCT Periodic Limited Formats Students try to avoid failure by memorization of facts and material Formative Assessment …for learning Inform students, teachers, and parents During learning, continuous Many possible methods Set goals, use results to improve and to differentiate
Finish the Statement Summative assessment is like a _________________ because _________________. Formative assessment is like a _________________ because _________________.
Clear Targets Help us… Recognize if the formative assessment adequately covers and samples what we taught. Correctly identify what students know/don’t know, and their level of achievement (summative). Plan the next steps in instruction. Give meaningful, descriptive feedback to students. Have students self-assess or set goals likely to help them learn more.
Educators need to deliberately choose an assessment method that best fits the standards being assessed. Methods of Assessment Selected Response Extended Written Performance Personal Communications Assessment handout with DOK levels
Four Types of Assessment Summative Formative Diagnostic Common