Learning another language is to know another culture Spanish I Grades 9-12 Mrs. Reid
Why Study a Second Language It will improve your grades and skills in English and Mathematics. It will improve your scores in tests like the SATs, MCATs, and ACTs. It will increase employment opportunities. It will help you understand other cultures. It will look good on your records.
HOW MUCH CAN I LEARN It will depend on how many years you study the language. Like English, Math and other subjects, language learning takes time. Continue language study after high school. Use your second language often in your daily life. Study abroad if possible.
How can you succeed in the foreign language classroom Bring all materials to class. Participate in classroom activities. Organize necessary information for assignments and home study Take notes in class and study them. Attend class regularly. Find a study partner.
How to help your child succeed in a foreign language class Take an active interest in what your child is learning. Make sure your child brings his-her textbook and binder home. Provide a quiet place to study. Help your child learn to manage his-her time wisely.
How to help your child succeed in a foreign language class Listen to your child practice speaking his/her new language. Call out vocabulary words in English for your child to recall in the target language. Help your child see the relevance of the new language in his/her daily live. Call or the teacher.
Tips to enhance your new language beyond the class. Listen to music in the target language. Listening to music is a great way to increase your vocabulary and listening skills. Watch films in the target language. Watch some television programs in the new language.
Tips to enhance your new language beyond the class Read newspapers in the target language. Some newspapers are available in the Internet. Read books. Start with children’s books. Practice your new language with your classmates. Teach your family the new language.
Why that first year is vitally important? It is the foundation of learning the new language. It opens your eyes to a new way of seeing the world. It expands your knowledge of other cultures.
Learning a language will open new doors in your future career. Business Communications Government Services Social Services Education Science Travel Services