The Information School at the University of Washington IMT 582 Readiness Assessment Bob Boiko UW iSchool Metatorial Services Inc.
The Information School at the University of Washington What we will cover What is a readiness assessment? What does it consist of? What must it accomplish? How do you plan for one?
The Information School at the University of Washington What is a Readiness Assessment? What’s been done to date? Who is/should be involved? What do we know? What is our mandate? Who is our team?
The Information School at the University of Washington What Does it Consist of? Assessing assumptions –Audiences –Content –Systems –Outputs Assessing status –Current efforts –Past efforts –Interest Building consensus –The players –The opinions –The current coalitions
The Information School at the University of Washington What are Your Tools? Networking and discussion Initiative document collection Strategy document collection Categorization, reflection, and feedback
The Information School at the University of Washington How do You Plan? Team meetings –What do we know? –Who do we know? Collection effort –Initial round –Wider rounds Organization effort –Draft, review, discussion, draft Deliverable preparation –Draft, review, discussion, draft
The Information School at the University of Washington What are the Planning Deliverables Readiness project plan –Staff –Schedule –Budget Strategy for success –Who will do each task –How will they be sure to succeed
The Information School at the University of Washington What is Success? Clearly defines the assessment –Definition, purpose Clearly defined deliverables –Definition, contribution to purpose. Clear tasks –Right granularity, linked to skills Specific skills Reasonable schedule Reasonable cost
The Information School at the University of Washington What are the Readiness Deliverables? Team assessment Document inventory Project strategy Education plan Preliminary project plan Risk assessment
The Information School at the University of Washington Team assessment Who do we have? What are their skills? What are we missing? Who do we know?
The Information School at the University of Washington Document inventory Discovery Taxonomy Conclusions
The Information School at the University of Washington Project strategy What consensus exists and what needs to exist? What sponsorship do we need? What are our strengths? Who do we need to succeed? How do we proceed?
The Information School at the University of Washington Education plan What skills are needed? What enlightenment is needed?
The Information School at the University of Washington Preliminary project plan Broad tasks Broad timelines Deliverables Staffing required
The Information School at the University of Washington Risk assessment Organizational hurdles Technical hurdles Gaps in skills Uneven progress toward the initiative