Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. For example: He assigned his class homework. They complained until the bell rang. It took more than 3 hours to do!
What is an “antecedent”? An antecedent is the person or thing to which the pronoun refers. For example: He (Mr. Williams) assigned his class homework. They (the class) complained until the bell rang. It (the homework) took more than 3 hours to do!
When they don’t agree… If a person wants to succeed in school, you have to always work hard. Could be referring to ANYONE, but just one. “You” is not ANYONE. It is a specific person – you!
Let’s fix it… If a person wants to succeed in school, they have to always work hard. Could be referring to ANYONE, but just one. OOPS!!! “They” refers to many people… not just one.
Let’s fix it (again)… If a person wants to succeed in school, he has to always work hard. Could be referring to ANYONE, but just one. OOPS!!! “He” means we’re only talking about men… but women are people, too!
Let’s fix it (yet again)… If a person wants to succeed in school, he or she has to always work hard. Could be referring to ANYONE, but just one. Now we got it!
Let’s Practice…. Fix it! Anyone can achieve their goals. Each of the boys makes their bed in the morning. Neither Mary nor Laura has turned in their homework. Neither of the students passed their test. Everyone will set up their own tent.
Finish the sentence… Anyone can… Each boy…. Any student… Every mother… Each girl…