Personal Fitness 20/30 REC 2060 CCS 3050 Leadership in Recreation & Sport Supporting Positive Behavior REC 2060 CCS 3050
Ever Active Kids Model [Perceptions] Individual Perceptions Perceived Competence How well you think you are going to do at something will determine how hard you try When this is tied to Social Influences it is a dangerous dynamic Perceived Benefit and or Cost How much time or effort you think you will have to put into something will determine how hard you will try
Leadership Profile Item #1 - Perception Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your individual perceptions in this course. What is your perceived competence in this class? Do feel like you are a capable performer of the activities we do in this class? Do you understand the knowledge material we are covering in class? Can you apply the knowledge we cover in the class in the Wellness Center? Is the cost or benefit to complete the tasks of this course reasonable for you to attempt and complete? Cite personal examples to support your statements.
Ever Active Kids Model [Social Influences] Peer Pressures Meeting peer expectations is a huge limiting factor for success as well as a contributing factor for problematic behavior Friend Pressures Can be helpful or harmful Sometimes friends help support and push people Other times friends prevent people from doing more Social Media Pressures Social Media is a Huge Factor these days People are so connected to the outside world Is it good or bad or both
Leadership Profile Item #2 – Social Influences Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your social influences in this course. What effect do peers have on your ability to perform in this class and in your life? What effect do friends have on your ability to perform in this class and in your life? What effect does Social Media have on your ability to perform in this class and in your life? Think about what other people’s perception of you is. Cite personal examples to support your statements.
Ever Active Kids Model [Physical Supports] Parental/Family support Unconditional support from family and loved ones provides a solid foundation for people to take a chance and put themselves out there where failure could occur Remember if we never fail we can never truly succeed Support from friends Support from friends can sometimes be the most important support mechanism that people have even though at other times it can be detrimental to performance Support from teammates and coaches (Classmates) Sometimes the team a person plays on can be the most important thing in that person’s life so it has a huge impact
Leadership Profile Item #3 – Physical Supports Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your physical supports in this course. What physical supports do you have in place for you to succeed in this class and in your life? Parents/family, friends/peers & Teammates/Coaches? Comment on each of the above and cite personal examples to support your statements
Ever Active Kids Model [Personal Demographics] Where someone comes from can have a major impact on how or what chance someone has Where we live, most are well off but this is not the case every where we go Economic circumstance and the environment one is surrounded by can have a major impact on how well someone does Breaking down these kind of barriers can be important to allowing all people to get involved and have an opportunity to succeed
Leadership Profile #4 – Personal Demographics Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your Personal Demographics in this course. Do your personal demographics have an influence on your ability to succeed in this class? Where you come from? What your economic situation is? Is your demographic influence enabling you or holding you back? Cite personal examples to support your statements.
Individual Differences Influence Perception Individual perceptions, social influences, physical supports and personal demographics all create individual differences which influence a person’s perception of and affective response to getting involved Available for energy use in 15-20 minutes
Leadership Profile Item #5 – Individual Differences Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your individual differences in this course. What affect do your individual differences have on your ability to succeed in this class? Are you in a good spot or do you have some obstacles created by the last 4 profile items? What is the environment of the class like for you to be successful? Cite personal examples to support your statements.
Self Esteem and Confidence Self esteem can be diminished or built up by the following factors Individual Perceptions Social Influences Physical Supports Personal Demographics Individual Differences created by the above Low self esteem erodes confidence Low confidence prevents a person from putting themselves out there where failure may occur Failing at things leads to growth and strength Available for energy use in 15-20 minutes
Leadership Profile Item #6 - Esteem Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your self esteem in this course. Where is your self esteem? Why? Are you an assertive person? Do you stand up for yourself in a positive way? Explain. Are you confident in front of our group/class? Why or why not? Cite personal examples to support statements.
Motivation Motivation is the driving force that causes the change from desire to will in life Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas Intrinsic Motivation comes from within the person and is easiest to maintain because of the personal connection made Extrinsic Motivation comes from external sources thus diminishing the value that the person gets from this type of motivation
Amotivation Amotivation refers to a state in which individuals cannot perceive a relationship between their behavior and that behavior’s subsequent outcome. No connection is made to the person therefore the level of motivation is not there to succeed Many people are afflicted with Amotivation these days People do stuff because they are told to or it is the thing to do but have no personal connection to what they are doing People that use extrinsic motivation as a main motivator quite often become Amotivated
Leadership Profile Item #7 - Motivation Use the following questions to help write a paragraph on your motivation in this course. What kind of motivation do you have in this class & in your life? Is it intrinsic or extrinsic? Cite personal examples to support your statements. Do you see yourself or any one else in this class as Amotivated? Why or why not?
Leadership Profile Item #8 What are you? Why? Prioritizer: Understands what is most important Gets the most important things done Procrastinator: Puts off getting things done Usually gets things done eventually but the work done is not always done the best (The work is typically rushed) Slacker: Lazy, does the bare minimum Takes the path of least resistance which leads to mediocrity Yes Man: All talk and no action. Talk is cheap!
Leadership Profile Item #9 What are you? Why? Assertive (Win-Win) Stands up for self (Confident) Considers more than just self (Generous) Has great success but not at someone else expense Aggressive (Win-Lose) Has to win at all costs (Usually physically abusive) Selfish & Self Centered Passive (Lose-Win) Always gives in to others Passive Aggressive (Lose-Lose) Always gives in to others but lashes out behind the scenes Acts one way in front of everyone but is very destructive at quieter times
Leadership Profile Item #10 Identity Statuses (Where are you?) Identity Diffusion No sense of having choices Has not yet nor is attempting to make a commitment Identity Foreclosure Willing to commit to some relevant roles, values or goals for future Has not experienced an Identity Crisis Tend to conform to the expectations of others regarding their future Have not explored a range of options Identity Moratorium Currently in crisis Exploring various commitments and is ready to make a choice Has not made a commitment to these choices yet Identity Achievement Has gone through an identity crisis Has made a commitment to a sense of identity
Confident Competitive Work Ethic Passionate Compassionate Visionary Qualities of the Greatest Leaders What Qualities do you have? Are there other qualities? Confident Competitive Work Ethic Passionate Compassionate Visionary Generous Integrity Responsible Respectful Ethical Perseveres Personable Resilient
Leadership Essay Use information from your 10 Leadership Profile Items to describe where you are personally at. Knowing what your individual perceptions, social influences, physical supports, personal demographics and any other individual differences you may have are, “What do you need to do in this class for this class to be a successful positive place?” Where is your self esteem and confidence? How can you create self esteem and confidence in other people in this class? Your essay should have 5 paragraphs: Introduction, 3 body paragraphs (see above points) and a concluding paragraph. YOU NEED 70% OR HIGHER ON THIS ESSAY