“Everyone is in selling. If my audience doesn’t laugh, I didn’t make the sale.”
“A great leader is someone who is extremely well-prepared when an incredible event occurs.”
“Be a positive voice for all you know who are in need.”
“Live a life that’s like a song of love for all your fellow man.”
“Focus only on the shot you’re making, and a good round will result.”
“Develop a passion for all aspects of your game: practicing,winning, losing, and above all...being the best.”
“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”
“Preparation is priceless. You do it until you can afford to pay others to do it for you.”
“Defend the truth. Tell it like it is, and you will always win.”
“During the darkest of times, be a shining example of leadership.”
“Surround yourself with the right people & great things will happen.”
“Have a love affair with your work, and it will bring you riches and wealth.”
Leadership Skills for the Achievement of Greater Success with Tom Hopkins
A. Everyone Sells
B. Management vs. Leadership
A. Enjoy the benefits of being a ‘master asker’ and teaching your people to lead with questions, not just talk and tell.
Card trick analogy: 1. Color 2. Suit 3. Face or Number J Q K Odd Even Low High
1. It’s my obligation to qualify and make the decision as to what product or service is best for them.
NNow EEnjoy AAlter DDecision-maker SSolution
2. Every answer must confirm the fact that they are going ahead.
3. If my tactics are sound, they can’t fight me.
B. Questioning Strategies – Effective questioning includes two types:
1. Open questions - Questions that require thought on the part of the buyer. They yield more information and encourage continued discussion. They are questions that uncover information: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.
2. Closed questions - Aimed at obtaining the right answer — most often a single word or two, a yes or a no.
a. Tie-down - A question at the end of a sentence that demands a yes.
b. Porcupine – Answering the right question with a question, and then with their response, moving onto the paperwork.
c. Involvement - A question the clients must ask themselves after they get involved. It mentally throws them into the future and assumes ownership.
C. Using positive language Sell or soldGet them involved BuyOwn PriceTotal amount ProblemChallenge SignOK, Approve, Authorize, Endorse
Impact - Consciously hearing, writing, reading, and saying the techniques. Step 1:
Repetition - You must hear, write, read, and say the techniques a minimum of six times to get 62% retention. Step 2:
Utilization - Consciously making myself use the techniques. Step 3:
Internalization - When the techniques and strategies are transferred to my product, then they become a natural part of me. Step 4:
Reinforcement - Going back to basics once every year. Everything I do must be done on reflex. Step 5:
1. Contests pit salespeople against each other. 2. Incentives pit salespeople against themselves.
3. Motivate your salespeople with an ongoing incentive plan % of the participants should win something.
1. Work on keeping your own attitude positive—at least in front of the team.
2. Take time to understand each follower’s unique individuality.
3. Set up a free, in-house training library. Add to it often.
4. Conduct regularly-scheduled performance reviews. Let your people know where they stand.
5. Attack pending challenges and rapidly make tough decisions.
6. Instill in your team the belief that they can become as great as you, almost.
They fall in Love with what they’re doing.
They are Enthusiastic about the business.
They have the right Attitude.
They have a Desire to learn new things all the time.
They study and Emulate other leaders.
They Respect the members of their team and earn respect in return.
They enjoy being Successful.
They are Humble about their success. They acknowledge the team.
They use their Imaginations to come up with the next level to aspire to.
They develop a Passion not only for business, but for life.
The essence of leadership is to have the ability to make your followers believe you possess superior knowledge of the situation or the industry—that you have greater wisdom to cope with the unknown, or that you have a greater moral force.
Thank you for your time today. Thank you for your commitment to greatness.