The Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation over Terrain MEC y FEDER Projects: CGL C03-01 E. Rodríguez (1), A. Oliver (2), R. Montenegro (1)*, J.M. Escobar (1), J.M. Cascón (3), J.C. González (1) (1)University Institute SIANI, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2)LaCán, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (3)Department of Economics and History of Economics, University of Salamanca, Spain AEMET, 17–18 May 2012, Madrid, Spain
Madrid: Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, step 25 m Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation (X min,Y min )=(372300, ) (X max,Y max )=(512400, ) 140 km 130 km
The Mesh Generation Code (Prototype) Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
The Mesh Generation Code (Prototype) Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: Elevation between 416 m and 2430 m Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: nodes on the terrain surface Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: Elevation between 416 m and 2430 m Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: nodes on the terrain surface Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: Transient triangulation of the 3-D domain surface Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: 3-D domain; the upper plane is placed at 10 km Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Madrid: Tetrahedral mesh with nodes and tetrahedra q min = 0.17 ; q mean = 0.77 ; only 3 tetrahedra with q < 0.3 con solo 3 elementos por debajo de 0.3. Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Application to Gran Canaria Island Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Gran Canaria: La Isleta Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Gran Canaria: La Isleta Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Gran Canaria: La Isleta Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Gran Canaria: Stack of Jinámar Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
La Palma Island The Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
La Palma Island The Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Building insertion on a plane The Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation
Stack insertion on a ramp The Meccano Method for Tetrahedral Mesh Generation