Sra. Rump NHS español I
How DO Spanish folks greet each other? Let’s watch a few video clips – Michelle Obama & her daughter meet the King & Queen of Spain (2 different video clips) With the 1 st clip- please listen carefully for cognates. The reporter speaks very quickly, but I think you’ll be able to understand the cognates – Spain’s World Cup Soccer team meets the King of Spain – France’s King & Queen meet the Spanish Royal family Discuss: Describe what you noticed as you watched these clips? Did they greet people differently from how you greet friends? Explain how so? 2
Unit Objectives By End of Unit: Students will be able to –Greet people & introduce themselves –Ask basic get-to-know you questions about feelings, birthdays, age, date, & time –Say goodbye to a person –Understand different levels of formality used in Spanish conversations *Go over learner profile, stamp sheet, grading It’s the pick up artist unit! Dance Hall Greeting video 3
Learning Goals for this Lesson Recognize at least 3 Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrases Greet each other informally in Spanish. Lesson Essential Question How do I introduce myself formally & informally to my friends in Spanish? Can I also say goodbye to friends in Spanish? 4
Compañeros Compañero= conversation partner 4 step process 1.Select a person sitting next to you at your table group/ a seat mate whom you’ll feel comfortable speaking Spanish with. I’ll let you choose from your group for round 1. IF the compañeros aren’t working, then I’ll SWITCH you. 2.Decide who’s going to speak 1 st. They raise their hand when Sra. Rump says “Empezamos” 3.Following examples, begin your conversación/ review practice. Then switch when your done, so that your compañero has a chance to start the conversación. 4.Listen for the “Silencio” command from Sra. Rump which is your clue to stop conversing & be silent! Let’s practice…. 2x’s Find your Compañero……. Empezamos..... ¡Silencio!
Compañeros Turn to your compañero say “Hola”. They reply “Buenos Dias”. Switch conversación around so you both have a turn to say “Hola”. Un minuto-- ¡Silencio! Hand out & review Saludos packet 6
Video Spanish Teacher Watch 1 st ½ of Sr. Jordan- Basic Conversación video clip Sr. Jordan does a great job reviewing what we’ve just learned. Follow along & repeat the phrases after he says them. 7
Compañeros Compañero……. Turn to your compañero again a different greeting phrase you just heard Sr. Jordan use. They reply “Buenos Dias/ Tardes/ Noches”. Switch conversación around so you both have a chance to begin. Un minuto ¡Silencio! 8Sra. Waters
Sample Exit Visa Isabel Jennings 1. Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase 2. Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase 3. Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase Isabel Jennings 1. Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase 2. Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase 3. Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase 9Sra. Waters