Context for El Paso’s K-16 Partnership K-12 Enrollment in twelve El Paso area school districts:167,269 Ethnic breakdown of student enrollment: Hispanic:88.1% African-American:2.7% White:8.5% Percent of students that are Limited English Proficient:30.4% Percent of students that are low income: 76% Number of Schools: Elementary:139 Middle: 45 High: 41 Community College Enrollment: 25,598 UTEP Enrollment: 19,264
El Paso Collaborative Members El Paso Independent School District Ysleta Independent School District Socorro Independent School District Region 19 Education Service Center El Paso Community College The University of Texas at El Paso El Paso Interreligious Sponsoring Organization Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce El Paso Black Chamber of Commerce City of El Paso El Paso County
El Paso Collaborative’s Goals to ensure academic success among all youngsters in our schools--from their very first year in school through the university; to ensure that all students graduate from area high schools prepared to enter and succeed in a four-year college or university; to reduce the academic achievement gap across racial/ethnic groups.
Action Agenda 1) Attention to Standards - Uniformly high for all students 2) A Systemic Focus: Whole Schools Whole Districts 3) Simultaneous Renewal - K-16 4) Changing Policies and Practice 5)Professional Development for Teachers and Administrators 6)Curriculum Alignment
TAAS/TAKS Math Results (Grade 03) Source: TEA AEIS Reports – Accountability subset-English version test takers; Region 19 TAKS data. The Passing Standard for TAKS Grade 3 in Spring 2005 is at the panel recommendation.
TAAS/TAKS Math Results (Grade 11) Source: TEA AEIS Reports – Accountability subset; Region 19 TAKS data (April Administration). The Standard for TAKS Grade 11 in Spring 2005 is at 1 SEM (Standard Error Measure) below the panel recommendation.
TAAS/TAKS Science Results (Grade 11) Source: TEA AEIS Reports – EOC Biology (*Includes grades 9-12); Region 19 TAKS data – Science Exam. The Passing Standard for TAKS Grade 11 in Spring 2005 was at 1 SEM (Standard Error Measure) below panel recommendation.
Algebra I: Enrollment and Completion by Grade 9 Source: TEA PEIMS data
Algebra II: Enrollment and Completion by Grade 11 Source: TEA PEIMS data
Chemistry: Enrollment and Completion by Grade 11 Source: TEA PEIMS data
Graduation Rates for Selected Texas School Districts Source: Texas Education Agency - AEIS Reports; Graduation Rate calculated based on the number of graduates divided by the total number of 8 th graders enrolled 5 years prior.
Completion of Recommended High School Program or Higher for El Paso Districts and other Texas ISD’s – Class of 2004 Source: Texas Education Agency –Adhoc Reports
Degrees Awarded by Academic Year – UTEP and EPCC Source: Center for Institutional Evaluation Research and Planning – U.T.E.P; Institutional Research – E.P.C.C Banner Files (Academic Transfer Degrees)
The Collaborative in Action: Involvement in Ysleta ISD Initial effort started in 1992, with school improvement training for teacher/administrator teams from every Ysleta ISD school Leadership development also provided for principals and other site and district administrators, including counselors Work continued through the ‘90s with a focus on math, science and literacy professional development for teachers In the late 1990s, provided school-wide curricular programs, starting with Literacy in Action
The Collaborative in Action: Involvement in Ysleta ISD (continued) Literacy in Action focused on improving pedagogy and curriculum content at the elementary and middle school levels Features included a focused model of professional development, as well as curricula, grounded in research, data and identified local needs Focus shifted from Literacy to Math and Science as we entered the new millennium
The Collaborative in Action: Involvement in Ysleta ISD (continued) The concentration of effort was on high school and middle school teachers with staff developers providing coaching to improve instructional skills and content Leadership development has continued with a focus on providing principals and district leaders with tools to assess the quality of teaching and learning in each classroom The Parent Involvement Network (PEN) is a key piece of the model
Collaboration Outcomes Admissions/Transfer: Joint Admissions Application Reverse Transfer (388 graduates) Transfer Center at EPCC, UTEP Advisors at EPCC Joint Title V Grant (Transfer and Data Sharing) Joint/Combined Student Transfer Orientations Financial Aid: Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Joint Financial Aid Presentations Achieving the Dream: Achieving the Dream – Lumina Foundation Joint Testing of High School Seniors (6 school districts) College Readiness Consortium
Collaboration Outcomes (continued) Curriculum: Joint Articulation Committee EPCC Teaching Developmental Education at UTEP UTEP Offering Master Level Courses at EPCC Math and Science Partnership Grant Advanced Technology Center – Engineering Student Labs Technology: Orion Project High School: Early College High School Dual Credit