Essential Skills Chris Jefferson 1ESWCHJ
What are Essential Skills? AON Comms ICT WWO IOLP PS 2ESWCHJ
What are Essential Skills? Vital skills everyone needs to succeed at: – work – education and training – in life ie transferable skills Help you in: – other subjects – applying for a job or higher education 3ESWCHJ
Employers said: They were looking for applicants that: – Can communicate effectively – Are numerate – Have IT skills – Can work in teams, with good interpersonal skills – Are willing and able to learn – Have good technical knowledge – Are flexible in their approach to work ESW4CHJ
What’s the point of Essential Skills? That you apply them in your other studies and your work, ie: – use them out work out a real problem or – find the answer to a real question ESW5CHJ
Offices: SkillAt work CommunicationBusiness meetings, reception, correspondence, s, internal documents, notes Application of numberOrdering stationery, monitoring expenses, office plans Information and communication technology Word processing, accounts, spreadsheets, letters, client databases, company records, computerised diaries ESW6CHJ
Catering: SkillAt work CommunicationReading recipes, food orders, brochures, textbooks, talking to staff and suppliers, writing menus, plans for theme evenings, meetings Application of numberDelivery notes, company suppliers, costing, stocktaking, storage areas Information and communication technology Ordering stock, typing menus, memos to departments/staff, invoices/accounts ESW7CHJ
Childcare: SkillAt work CommunicationTalking to parents, staff meetings, medical forms, letters to parents Application of numberTaking fees, ordering stock, budgets and forecasts, fund-raising Information and communication technology Newsletter for parents, registers and room lists, children’s reports, curriculum plans, managing budgets ESW8CHJ
Engineering: SkillAt work CommunicationTalking to customers, reading manuals, processing job sheets, inspection reports Application of numberInterpreting gauges and instruments, invoices, measuring Information and communication technology Using diagnostic equipment, IT based parts catalogues, billing, stock control ESW9CHJ
Hairdressing: SkillAt work Communication Application of number Information and communication technology ESW10CHJ
How will the level be chosen? Initial assessment Start at level 1 and Progress will be observed in class ESW11CHJ
How do we assess Essential Skills? Portfolio ESW12CHJ
ICT In 3 parts: – Use ICT systems – Find, select and exchange information – Develop and present information Important: – Understand a task or activity ESW13CHJ
ICT Level 1 Use ICT systems to find, develop and present simple numerical, textual and graphical information in the context of short, straightforward tasks, using basic techniques. Use technology safely, care for equipment, and avoid losing data. Send and receive , and to whom they should turn if things go wrong. ESW14CHJ
ICT Level 2 pt1 Use ICT systems independently to carry out a largely straightforward task, to make effective searches, to derive new information and present it taking account of purpose and audience. Combine information, such as text with images or numbers, in a consistent way. Activities require a greater range of techniques, and more steps, than at Level 1. ESW15CHJ
ICT Level 2 pt 2 Enter formulae when using appropriate software to generate simple calculations such as totals. Observe copyright and confidentiality laws and manage health, safety and security risks. Recognise errors and their causes and be aware of ways of minimising the risk of viruses. Send and receive s with attachments. ESW16CHJ
Summary Level Questions? ESW17CHJ