St. Joseph Church, Danville, PA
We serve in a role of “extra” ordinary ministers; as you might remember, Ordinary Ministers, ie bishops, priests and deacons, are to serve when present at Mass…we serve when there are not enough Ordinary Ministers….(Let us pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and permanent diaconate. ) ◦ When we are scheduled to serve, if additional Ordinary Ministers are available, we do NOT serve at that Mass…remember, this is a privilege
Diocesan guidelines have changed--- mandate good for three years. Here are some review points specific to St. Joseph Church ◦ Each new pastor has preferences for how things are done…..the following slides are a summary of the changes which reflect our current pastor. ◦ Sacristy Aides have been assigned to make sure that certain things are done before and after Mass; questions about this role should be directed to Fr. Tri
Please sign in and indicate what you are going to do…cup or host. Remember, if the Deacon is serving, he is Minister of the Cup Go to side sacristy to vest….please leave coats or other belongings in the side sacristy or in the chapel. We have been asked to NOT leave coats and other belongings in the main sacristy.
You might be asked to take gifts to back of the church…… Or to light the candles….
Please do not be offended or upset; the SA is responsible for a variety of duties prior to and after each Mass; some who serve in that capacity might prefer doing everything themselves so they can be sure tasks are done…sometimes help can mess up one’s “routine”---it is always okay to offer to be of assistance.
Please go to the chapel and wait quietly until it is time for the prayer before procession. ◦ This is a great time to read the readings of the day or to just prepare your hearts for your ministry ◦ After the priest leads us in prayer, go to the back of the church…and please remember to be quiet….
We are behind the Altar Servers We are ahead of the Lector and Psalmist Stop in line with the front pew, bow, and enter the pew from center aisle Remember, you are in the front of the church and many watchful eyes are upon you…participate in the Mass as you are role models for all…..
Deacon Greg has asked that the EOMHC who has the Cup, process in first…this helps in having the correct placement when receiving Communion….more later.
Remember to exit pew, center aisle when Father is receiving the Body of Christ Wait until everybody is in front of the altar and make a bow Enter the sanctuary on St. Joseph side When the Deacon is serving, the EOMHC who is to Distribute the Precious Blood will be entering Sanctuary first which places that minister closest to the high altar
When Father distributes the Body of Christ to EOMHC and the Altar Servers, he will give the cup to whoever is distributing the Precious Blood; after you receive, go to the Altar Servers; the other EOMHC who is distributing Precious Blood will receive and distribute to the other EOMHC. Communication is key, so if you are distributing the Precious Blood, discuss it before Mass.
The Deacon will give the cup to the EOMHC who is to distribute the Precious Blood He wants that minister to give the Precious Blood to the remaining EOMHC. Just watch and follow his lead as sometimes this does change. Discuss with him before Mass if you have questions.
Here are a few pictures to review how Father has asked us to hold and use the purificator Place the purificator over your index finger, at the center fold; when wiping the rim, your index finger goes inside the rim and the middle finger on the outside of the rim…this provides better control of the purificator.
You can use both sides of the purificator…the same place should NOT be used for entire time; every time you rotate the cup, move the purificator…if you have questions, please ask.
The EOMHC who is on St. Joseph side with the Host, is the one who will travel to the back of the church and the choir loft. Please keep in mind, it is important to prevent spills….it is suggested that you use the side aisle to go to the back of the church to serve those who are handicapped and then go to the choir loft. ◦ Please note, people who are standing in the back who are not handicapped should not be given Communion…they need to go to the front.
It is strongly recommended that you use the elevator…this again, is to prevent spills. Use the stop on the elevator to keep it on the second floor until you are ready to return to the church. Please remember to check for people who are in the front pews who need Communion; if somebody is on Blessed Mother side, the person with hosts on that side can give Communion…just communicate to each other
slide red switch down to place elevator on hold; then slide it back up to return to first floor
Please do NOT go back through the church to return to the sanctuary; go through the Chapel and then to the station in front of St. Joseph if you are needed. Again, this is to prevent accidents.
Please, return to the sanctuary on St. Joseph side. If you cross in front of the altar, you are not to bow. If you have a cup and still have Precious Blood, you are to consume it at the station before returning to the sanctuary. All vessels are placed on the altar before you return to the sacristy. Please use the oblution cup, even if you had a cup.
Wait until all ministers have returned to the sacristy and have used the oblution cup before returning to the pew. ◦ Remember, go through the door that goes out by St. Joseph statue; last one out of sacristy, quietly close the door. ◦ All go to the front of the altar and bow; return to the front pew using center aisle. Oblution cup
When altar servers take their places with the candles and cross, exit the pew via the center aisle and line up two by two Face the front of the church When Father genuflects you are to bow…there are ministers who cannot genuflect but all can make a bow; so that we are all doing the same thing, make a bow, turn to the back of the church and process out.
You may ask the Sacristy Aide if they need help with anything; they are responsible for a variety of tasks at the end of Mass and may or may not need/want assistance. The role of Sacristy Aide is to free the clergy from having to do tasks that can be done by others who have been specifically trained to do so. Again, if you have questions or concerns about that role, contact Fr. Tri.
We have been called to a special ministry; we all have had training through the diocese and will each have to take additional training to retain our mandates. We all have to adjust to slight changes with each new pastor. When we all do things in the same manner, it makes for a smooth flow in the liturgy and is less distracting; the goal of these slides is to help us be on the same page.
Devised May 5, 2013 /hb Reviewed and approved by Fr. Tri and Deacon Amarante