Divine Machinery in Mythology and Star Wars. Polytheism and Anthropomorphism The Greek gods are EXTRAORDINARY IMMORTALS. Their identity is not associated.


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Presentation transcript:

Divine Machinery in Mythology and Star Wars

Polytheism and Anthropomorphism The Greek gods are EXTRAORDINARY IMMORTALS. Their identity is not associated with moral goodness. They are like humans in every way except that they do not die. Zeus (Juppiter) King of the Gods The Sky-god God of Justice Xenios (God of Strangers) God of Suppliants Sexually Promiscuous Father of Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Athena, Perseus, and Heracles, among others. Also Bisexual: Ganymede

The Divine PantheonDivine Pantheon Genealogy Assemblies of the Gods

Gods and Humans in Mythology GODS: Extraordinary Immortals HEROES: Extraordinary Mortals HUMANS: Ordinary Mortals

Why is C-3PO an Ewok god? C-3PO: I do believe they think I am some kind of god. Han Solo: Well, why don't you use your divine influence and get us out of this? C-3PO: I beg your pardon General Solo, but that just wouldn't be proper. Han Solo: Proper? C-3PO: It's against my programming to impersonate a deity. Return of the Jedi (VI.24)

“He’s quite clever, you know, for a human being.” 3CPO’s opinion of Luke in “Empire Strikes Back” V.6 (Closing the Doors)He’s quite clever, you know, for a human being 3CPO’s statement about Luke juxtaposes humans with droids (machines) in a significant way which suggests important things about the Force and about Nature, especially when seen in conjunction with the Ewoks’ role in the fall of the Empire in “Return of the Jedi.” EWOKSHUMANSDROIDS FORCEDARK SIDE

EWOKS HUMANSDROIDS simplecomplex nature technology FORCEDARK SIDE NatureTechnology

How does Yoda’s comment on size fill out this picture? “Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size will you. My ally is the Force. It surrounds us. You must feel the Force around you.” Empire Strikes Back (V,31)

Divine Machinery in Star Wars JEDI MASTER: Extraordinary Immortals JEDI KNIGHT: Extraordinary Mortals HUMANS: Ordinary Mortals DROIDS: Extraordinary Submortals

The Role of Gods in Myth Objects of Worship and Reverence Active Engagers in Human Life –Sexual Encounters –Divine Aid

Divine Machinery in Homer Involvement in the Plot –(Gods take sides in the Trojan War) Divine Assistance or Impediment –Poseidon impedes Odysseus –Athena helps Odysseus and Telemachus Motivation (Athena and Telemachus) Inspiration (Muse) GREEKS ATHENA HERA POSEIDON TROJANS APHRODITE APOLLO ARES NEUTRAL ZEUS

The Role of the Gods in Homer The gods operate at several different levels: (1)as characters in the story (de-mythologized); (2) as true religious forces; (3) as symbols of a human's abilities or disabilities Athena the goddess of wisdom protects Odysseus the cunning hero

The Gods as Human Psychology The presence and intervention of a god in the story on behalf of a human is an indication of the human's own innate talent. Homer's society ascribed extraordinary powers and skills as gifts of the gods because their understanding of human psychology was not so developed as to explain concepts like differing degrees of intelligence, creativity, etc. Thus Poseidon, so long as he is present and hostile to Odysseus, is a symbol of Odysseus' own inability to get home. But once Poseidon becomes absent, Odysseus regains his skills. So, too, Athena's presence is a symbol of Odysseus' own ability to cope with threats and dangers.

Athena and Achilles Achilles' anger appeased by Athena Drawing by Flaxman (1888)

Minerva Preventing Achilles from Killing Agamemnon, from 'The Iliad' by Homer, 1757 (fresco) Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) ( )

God as Mentor Athena and Telemachus (See Odyssey I(See Odyssey I)

Mentors in Star Wars 6.15 A Certain Point of View (Obi Wan Kenobi)

Fate in Greek Mythology Moirai (The Fates) Clotho (the Spinner), Lachesis (Measurer), Atropos (Cutter) Achilles: “Doomed to a short life, you have so little time. / And not only short, now, but filled with heartbreak too, / more than all other men alive - doomed twice over" (Iliad ). Rosso Fiorentino Italian Mannerist Painter, ca Pitti Palace, Florence

Thetis Dipping the Infant Achilles Into Water from the Styx Antonio Balestra Italian Baroque Era Painter, th - 18th century engraving-etching Johann Balthasar Probst For more images:

Fate and Destiny in Star Wars One’s Ordained Future V.7 Luke Must Meet Yoda VI.14. Luke Must Meet Vader

Calchas in Iliad, see esp Book I The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia on a Pompeian wall fresco. The prophet Calchas is at right. Prophets and Prophecies in Greek Mythology

Odysseus (l.) meets the prophet Tiresias (r.) in the Underworld (Odyssey, XI) The Blind Prophet Tiresias Watch for him in the myth of Oedipus

The Inevitable Truth of the Oracle Oedipus and the Sphinx Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Apollo Seated on his Prophetic Tripod

Prophecies in Star Wars Predicting the Future Yoda (5.33 The Future You See) Oracle (The Inevitable Truth) The Chosen One: Anakin? Is he not the chosen one? (I.28) Train Him (I.45)Train Him The Chosen One the Boy May Be (1.47) You were the Chosen One (3.43)You were the Chosen One or Luke? Danger of Offspring to Darth Vader

Gods and Humor Heemskerk, Martin Van, 1536 “Lay of Demodocus” Odyssey 8.266ff. Aphrodite and Ares Caught in the Net of Adultery by her husband Hephaestus

L. Corinth, 1909 “Divine” Humor in Star Wars: 5.31 There is No TryThere is No Try

“Divine” Humor in Star Wars? 5.31 There is No TryThere is No Try

C-3PO: I do believe they think I am some kind of god. C-3PO: I do believe they think I am some kind of god. Return of the Jedi (VI.24)

Divine Machinery in Star Wars Inspiration Motivation (Mentor) Human Psychology Divine Assistance or Impediment Involvement in the Plot Humor