Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Transactional leadership. Someone who directs the efforts of others through tasks, rewards, and structures Would be all the examples we learned about in study questions 2 and 3 Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Superleaders a.k.a transformational or charismatic leaders. Persons whose vision and strength of personality have an extraordinary impact on others Once believed to be born with this talent Today believed that it can be developed with careful planning and practice Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Charismatic leaders (definition) Develop special leader-follower relationships and inspire others in extraordinary ways. Weber described charismatic leaders as representing themselves endowed with special power, but essentially an unstable force that emerged in times of stress. L General Romeo Dallaire - Rwanda Charismatic leader takes time to enhance how they are perceived so they receive recognition from followers. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Examples of Charismatic Leaders Charisma- a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber to be an example of a charismatic religious leader Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Examples of Charismatic Leaders Hitler is also considered to be an example of a charismatic leader Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Further Examples of Charismatic Leaders In politics Fidel Castro Bill Clinton Mahatma Gandhi (also involved in religion) Winston Churchill Saddam Hussein John F. Kennedy Barack Obama In Academia Albert Einstein In Religion Martin Luther King Jr Pope John Paul Ghandi Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Someone who is truly inspirational as a leader and who arouses others to seek extraordinary performance accomplishments. The transforming leader looks for potential motives in followers, seeks to satisfy higher needs, and engages the full person of the follower. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Black and Porter (2000) define transformational leadership as: "leadership that motivates followers to ignore self-interests and work for the larger good of the organization to achieve significant accomplishments; emphasis is on articulating a vision that will convince subordinates to make major changes." These leaders have a profound effect on their followers’ beliefs regarding what the organization should become and also on their subordinates’ values. They also provide their followers with guidance so that they are able to achieve their goals. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Examples of Transformational Leaders Jack Welch MichaelDuke (former) Lee Scott Herb Kelleher Meg Whitman (former) Michael Dell Jeff Bezos Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Examples of Transformational Leaders Oprah Winfrey Mother Teresa (former) Princess Diana Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 4: What is transformational leadership? Characteristics of transformational leaders: Vision. Charisma. Symbolism. Empowerment. Intellectual stimulation. Integrity. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 5: What are current issues in leadership development? Emotional intelligence. The ability of people to manage themselves and their relationships effectively. Components of emotional intelligence: Self-awareness. Self-regulation. Motivation. Empathy. Social skill. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 5: What are current issues in leadership development? Gender and leadership. Both women and men can be effective leaders. Women tend to use interactive leadership. A style that shares qualities with transformational leadership. Men tend to use transactional leadership. Interactive leadership provides a good fit with the demands of a diverse workforce and the new workplace. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 5: What are current issues in leadership development? Gender and leadership (cont.). Future leadership success will depend on a person’s capacity to lead through : Openness. Positive relationships. Support. Empowerment. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 5: What are current issues in leadership development? Drucker’s “old-fashioned” leadership. Leadership is more than charisma; it is “good old-fashioned” hard work. Essentials of “old-fashioned” leadership: Defining and establishing a sense of mission. Accepting leadership as a “responsibility” rather than a rank. Earning and keeping the trust of others. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 5: What are current issues in leadership development? Moral leadership. Ethical leadership adheres to moral standards meeting the test of “good” rather than “bad” and “right” rather than “wrong.” All leaders are expected to maintain high ethical standards. Long-term, sustainable success requires ethical behaviour. Integrity involves the leader’s honesty, credibility, and consistency in putting values into action. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13
Study Question 5: What are current issues in leadership development? Moral leadership (cont.). Leaders with integrity earn the trust of their followers. Leaders have a moral obligation to build performance capacities by awakening people’s potential. Authentic leadership activates performance through the positive psychological states of confidence, hope, optimism, and resilience. Authentic leadership helps in clearly framing and responding to moral dilemmas, and serving as ethical role models. Management Fundamentals - Chapter 13