Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects and Cultural Grass-roots Projects (photo) The Embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan 17 November 2009
Contents of the presentation 1.Human Security Grass-roots Grant Assistance Projects Introduction Objectives and outline of the scheme Target beneficiaries Approval procedures Project areas Past achievements 2.Cultural Grass-roots Grant Assistance Projects Objectives Scheme Project areas Past achievements since
1. Grant Assistance for Human Security Grass-roots Projects (GGP)
Introduction The Japanese Government offers nonrefundable financial assistance scheme for development projects designed to meet the diverse needs of developing countries. Known as Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGP)*, this scheme supports projects proposed by such bodies as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and local government authorities. The grant amount per project is generally under 10 million yen.
Objectives Improve living standards and welfare of the people of Uzbekistan. Make direct impact on the well- being of people at grass-roots level.
Target of the scheme Basic Human Needs at grass-roots level i.Health care ii.Primary education iii.Poverty relief iv.Public welfare v.Environment Small scale but large impact Humanitarian needs Disadvantaged group in society Human Security Concept
Approval procedures 1.Submission of the application form to EOJ 2.Examination of the project based on proposal 3.Site visit to research the feasibility 4.Sign the Grant Contract 5.Disbursement of funds 6.Implementation of the project 7.Submission of interim/completion reports 8.Follow-up monitoring
Flow chart of GGP Conclusion of Procurement Contract (P/C) (Obtainment of estimate) Conclusion of Grant Contract (G/C) Remittance of funds Submission of application form Examination of project Approval of project Procurement of goods and/or services Reports Disbursement of funds Submission of “request for payment” (review of P/C [the estimate]) P/C: Procurement Contract G/C: Grant Contract SUPPLIER OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION OVERSEAS MISSION (EMBASSY OR CONSULATE-GENERAL) MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF JAPAN
Overall Achievement in Uzbekistan-since projects 15,004,483 USD granted Projects in all regions
Geographical coverage Karakalpakstan 8 projects Surkhandarya 17 projects Kashkadarya 9 projects Bukhara 9 projects Khorezm 1 project Navoiy 7 projects Samarkand 18 projects Tashkent region (incl. Tashkent City) 83 projects Jizzakh 6 projects Syrdarya 12 projects Namangan 20 projects Fergana 47 projects Andijan 25 projects Data as of 17 Nov. 2009
Past projects in all regions Regions # of projects ( )Amount donated (USD) Tashkent (incl. Tashkent City)834,809,140 Fergana472,159,780 Andijan251,467,544 Namangan201,137,412 Samarkand18997,120 Navoiy7401,107 Bukhara9608,119 Khorezm176,414 Syrdarya12624,047 Jizzakh6390,903 Kashkadarya9685,687 Surkhandarya171,060,043 Rep. of Karakalpakstan8587,167 TOTAL262 projects15,004,483 Data as of 17 Nov. 2009
Project areas in Uzbekistan 1.Education: schools 2.Health: hospitals 3.NGOs: social welfare organizations 4.Others For example: i.Water supply ii.Infrastructure (road construction) iii.Environmental sustainability (planting)
1. Education Refurbishment and supply of school equipment to primary schools Example of donated goods: i.Desks, chairs, library shelves ii.Sewing machines and joiners’ benches iii.Sports equipments iv.Furniture for canteen v.Audio visual equipments (DVD, copy machine)
1. Education (cont.) Since 1995, we have supported: 168 projects with 9,549,944 USD i.159 public schools-9,039,890 USD ii.9 special institutions-510,054 USD (orphan homes and schools for disabled children)
Signing ceremony of the grant contracts with school directors with participation of the Minister of Public Education of Uzbekistan Mr. Shoumarov. November 2008.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka and the Director of the Secondary school No. 12 in Angren City Mrs. Gafurova. November 2008.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka and the Deputy Khokim of Andijan Region Mr. Ketmonov at the opening ceremony of the secondary school No. 24 of Andijan City. November 2008.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka with students of Secondary school No. 2 in Kokand City of Fergana Region at the opening ceremony. November 2008.
Donated equipment in classroom. Secondary school No. 33 in Angren City.
Donated sewing machines. Secondary school No. 29 in Angren City.
Donated sports equipment at gymnasium. Secondary school No. 64 in Samarkand City.
Donated sports equipment at gymnasium. Secondary school No. 1 in Chust District of Namangan Region.
Donated bookshelf and desks at library. Secondary school No. 1 in Havast District of Syrdarya Region.
Donated joiners’ bench in handicraft room. Secondary school No. 23 in Bayaut District of Syrdarya Region.
Donated sewing machine with a girl student. Secondary school No. 23 in Bayaut District of Syrdarya Region.
Donated audio component system in the theater play class. Secondary school No. 64 in Samarkand City.
Donated furniture in assembly hall. Secondary school No. 1 in Havast District of Syrdarya Region.
Donated furniture for canteen. Secondary school No. 29 in Angren City.
2. Health Supply of medical equipments to hospitals Examples of donated equipment: i.Maternity complex: infant incubator, delivery table, heating bed for newborns ii.Emergency and surgery: Ventilation system, Surgical instruments, Suction pump iii.Diagnosis: Ultrasound scanner, Gastro- fiberscope, Patient monitor, X-ray device iv.Laboratory: Bio-chemical analyzer, Blood analyzer
2. Health (cont.) Since 1995, we have supported: 56 projects with 4,032,000 USD i.55 hospitals ii.1 project donated the rehabilitation equipment for hospital
Signing ceremony of the grant contracts with head physicians of 6 hospitals with participation of the 1 st Deputy Minister of Health Mr. Ikramov (present Minister of Health), January 2009.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka, and the Head physician of Karakul Central Hospital of Bukhara Region Mr. Hoshimov. January 2009.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaryof Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka, and the Khokim of Boysun District of Surkhandarya Region Mr. Tangriev at the opening ceremony. August 2009.
Premature infant in donated newborn incubator. Bekabad City Children's Hospital of Tashkent region.
Diagnosis with donated ultrasound scanner. Central City Clinic Hospital in Tashkent.
Diagnosis of eye diseases. Ophthalmology department of the 1 st Tashkent Medical Institute.
Donated bio-chemical analyzer. Tashkent City Clinic Hospital.
Donated cardio-monitor for children. Tashkent City Children Clinic Hospital.
Female patients with donated hospital beds. Obstetric complex No. 6 in Mirzo-Ulugbek District of Tashkent City.
Donated heating table for newborn. Obstetric complex No. 6 in Mirzo-Ulugbek District of Tashkent City.
3. NGOs Examples of past projects: i.Organized seminar of awareness raising for business women ii.Supported technical and vocational equipments for the training of women, youth and disabled people in community centers iii.Distributed nutritious foods to disadvantaged children iv.Donated equipment to the training centre of business venture
3. NGOs (cont.) Since 1995, we have supported: 30 projects with 918,000 USD i.20 vocational training centers for women etc.- 489,384 USD ii.8 community centers for youth and disabled people- 359,493 USD iii.2 projects for community welfare- 68,935 USD
Donated sewing machines in class activities. Business Women Association of Gulistan City.
Donated hair-styling equipment in class activities. Business Women Association of Gulistan City.
Donated equipment in activity room. Yangier Disabled People’s society in Syrdarya Region.
4. Other sectors Since 1995, we have supported: 8 projects with 504,700 USD For example: i.4 projects supplied of water etc. 179,072 USD ii.2 projects for environment/infrastructure 145,094 USD For example in 2009: The project for supply of agricultural equipment for creation of protective forestation zone of the Aral Sea (66,344 USD)
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka, the Leader of the Agency of International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Buranov, and the Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Salikhbaev at the signing ceremony. March 2009.
2. Grant Assistance for Cultural Grass-roots Projects (GCGP)
Objectives Provides nonrefundable financial assistance to support the implementation of cultural and higher education projects conducted by non-profit organizations (including non- governmental organizations (NGOs), local authorities, research and higher education institutions, etc.) that are active at the grass- roots level. Encourage cultural exchanges with Japan.
Scheme of Cultural Grass-roots Project Available fund per project, and application procedures are same as Human Security Grass-roots Projects.
Flow chart of GCGP Conclusion of Procurement Contract (P/C) (Obtainment of estimate) Conclusion of Grant Contract (G/C) Remittance of funds Submission of application form Examination of project Approval of project Procurement of goods and/or services Reports Disbursement of funds Submission of “request for payment” (review of P/C [the estimate]) P/C: Procurement Contract G/C: Grant Contract SUPPLIER OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION OVERSEAS MISSION (EMBASSY OR CONSULATE-GENERAL) MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF JAPAN
Project areas in Uzbekistan For example: Sports institutions/associations practicing the Japanese martial arts Academic institutions working on the conservation of national cultural heritage Higher education institutions having a faculty of Japanese language course
Past projects in Uzbekistan since 2001 Year Name of the donated organization Donated equipmentsAmount donated (USD) 2001 Association of Judo of Uzbekistan Equipment of Judo77, The Ikuo Hirayama International Caravan-Sarai of Culture (ICSC) Equipment for exhibition 63, Tashkent Institute of LawAudio equipment90, Tashkent Institute of Oriental Studies Japanese language education equipment 77, Federation of Aikido of Uzbekistan Tatami mats for Aikido practice 25, Samarkand Institute of Archaeology Equipment for conservation of cultural heritage 51,046 TOTAL6 projects384,074 Data as of 17 Nov. 2009
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka and the President of the Federation of Aikido of Uzbekistan Mr. Khalidov. December 2008.
Demonstration of Aikido at the signing ceremony. December 2008.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka and the Director of the Samarkand Institute of Archaeology, Mr. Pidaev at the signing ceremony. March 2009.
Entrance of the Samarkand Institute of Archaeology.
For more information, please contact: Embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan 1-28, Sadik Azimov Street, Tashkent, , Uzbekistan Tel: ,61,62,63 Fax: For Japan’s ODA: For GGP project: man_ah/pdfs/e-1.pdf For GCGP project:
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