Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA The University of Oklahoma A Brief Overview Kelvin K. Droegemeier Vice President for Research
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA The University of Oklahoma Three campuses Norman, OKC Health Sciences, Tulsa 30,753 students (including 6,869 graduate students) Approximately 2500 faculty Total annual budget $0.8B More than $250M in sponsored programs Private Endowment >$1.2B Recent fundraising of $1.9M Capital improvements > $1.7M 652 endowed chairs
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Administrative Structure
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA An Extraordinary Leader: David L. Boren Yale undergraduate Rhodes Scholar Oklahoma Governor US Senator (16 years) – Chair of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Now in 18 th year as OU’s 13 th President Director of American Airlines, Conoco- Phillips, Texas Instruments Author of Letter to America
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Extraordinary Leader: Extraordinary Achievements OU… Is classified as a Carnegie Very High Research Activity institution Is ranked by the Princeton Review as one of the top-10 values in higher education Ranks #1 in number of National Merit Scholars in public universities Ranks in the top 5 universities in the production of Rhodes Scholars (28) Has a six-year graduation rate of 68%; goal is 75% by 2017
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Since 1995, almost $1.7 billion in construction projects have been completed Gaylord Journalism College Fred Jones Museum of Art OK Memorial Stadium Price Business College Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Extraordinary Leader: Extraordinary Achievements
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Lissa and Cy Wagner Student Advising Center Devon Energy Hall ExxonMobil Lawrence G. Rawl Engineering Practice Facility Extraordinary Leader: Extraordinary Achievements Headington Hall
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Gould Hall Extraordinary Leader: Extraordinary Achievements Zarrow Hall
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Extraordinary Leader: Extraordinary Achievements $250M raised for undergraduate scholarships during past five years World’s largest university-based natural history museum Top five art museums in the US One of the largest history of science collections in the world World leaders and eminent scholars come to campus to teach and chat with students: Mikhail Gorbachev, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Margaret Thatcher, Robert Gates, John Roberts, David McCullough, Doris Goodwin
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Norman Campus Approximately 1300 research faculty 21,154 undergraduate students 2,400 MS students, 1,400 doctoral students 16 colleges More than 60 academic departments More than 70 centers/institutes (8 University Strategic Organizations) Five surveys (Bio, Geo, Climate, Archeology, Water) Two field stations (Biological, Atmospheric/Ecological) The Research Campus – Architecture – Arts and Sciences – Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences – Business – Continuing Education – Earth and Energy – Education – Engineering – Fine Arts – Graduate – Honors – International Studies – Journalism – Law – Liberal Studies – University College
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Health Sciences Center (HSC) Campus Approximately 1100 research faculty 742 undergraduate students 605 graduate, 1,595 professional students 8 colleges More than 80 academic departments Three core facilities (Mass spect, Cytometry, Genomics) Research Pillars – Cancer – Diabetes – Geriatrics – Infectious Disease Presbyterian Health Foundation Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation OU Physicians – Allied Health – Dentistry – Graduate – Medicine – Medicine - Tulsa – Nursing – Pharmacy – Public Health
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Tulsa Campus (Schustermann Center) Blending of Norman Campus and HSC programs Approximately 140 research faculty 283 undergraduate students 795 graduate, 333 professional students Emphasis on community partnerships with City of Tulsa, regional hospitals, public programs School of Community Medicine (partnership with the University of Tulsa) 9 undergraduate programs, including – Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Leadership, Nursing, Radiography, Liberal Studies 25 graduate and professional degree programs, including – Human Relations, Social Work, Public Health, Telecommunications Engineering, ECE, Doctor of Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Doctor of Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Nursing
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Norman Research Campus 277 acres adjoining the Norman Campus Formal WWII Naval Air Station Now being developed as a transformative environment for research, engagement and economic development Nearly 1 million square feet developed in less than a decade More than a dozen private companies on site + sovereign Indian nation More than 350 private sector employees More than 1000 OU/private/Federal employees
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA OU is Strongly International OU enrolls students from 120 nations 25% of OU students study abroad; goal is 40% by 2017 Exchange programs with 50 countries
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA OU Budget
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA OU Salaries and Benefits
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA OU Value
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA OU Value
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Research and Sponsored Programs all Campuses
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Planning and Decision Making President sets overall direction each year at an executive retreat with the OU Board of Regents Executive Vice President refines and executes agenda working with Provost, Vice Presidents and Deans Research agenda is set principally by the Vice President for Research in coordination with the Research Cabinet (more later) IT agenda is set principally by the CIO and Vice President for Information Technology (more later) Library agenda is set by the Dean of OU Libraries (more later)
Office of the Vice President for Research N ORMAN C AMPUS AND N ORMAN C AMPUS P ROGRAMS AT OU-T ULSA Selected Key Priorities Maintain low student-faculty ratios and continue placing high value on student-professor interaction, especially 1 st year Increase graduation rate to 75% Increase study abroad to 40% Increase number of honors courses Continue to grow the research enterprise, emphasizing strengths in weather/water/climate and engagement of non-physical sciences Continue to diversify research portfolio, especially in defense, security and intelligence, and in applied R&D Substantially advance engaged learning and undergraduate research Continue development of the Research Campus