Multiplying Disciples
Multiplying Churches Multiplying Disciples Multiplying Churches
Multiplying Disciples Multiplying Churches Five Year Strategy Plan - Africa Region Multiplying Disciples Multiplying Churches Five Year Strategy Plan - Africa Region
Out of Wesleyan holiness revival Assumptions Out of Wesleyan holiness revival
Priority of children and youth Assumptions Out of Wesleyan holiness revival
Priority of children and youth A 5-year tactical plan on field and ministry level to facilitate the 5-year strategy plan of the Region Priority of children and youth A 5-year tactical plan on field and ministry level to facilitate the 5-year strategy plan of the Region Assumptions Out of Wesleyan holiness revival
Not a Manual Preface
Not a Manual but A Dynamic Document Not a Manual but A Dynamic Document Preface
Vision and Mission Statement Vision and Mission Statement
Vision and Mission Statement
Vision and Mission Statement Vision: To realize personal and corporate Wesleyan holiness revival resulting in the growth and multiplication of churches where disciples are making disciples in Africa and throughout the world
Vision and Mission Statement Vision: To realize personal and corporate Wesleyan holiness revival resulting in the growth and multiplication of churches where disciples are making disciples in Africa and throughout the world Mission: Vision: To realize personal and corporate Wesleyan holiness revival resulting in the growth and multiplication of churches where disciples are making disciples in Africa and throughout the world Mission:
Vision and Mission Statement Vision: To realize personal and corporate Wesleyan holiness revival resulting in the growth and multiplication of churches where disciples are making disciples in Africa and throughout the world Mission: To make Christlike disciples in Africa Vision: To realize personal and corporate Wesleyan holiness revival resulting in the growth and multiplication of churches where disciples are making disciples in Africa and throughout the world Mission: To make Christlike disciples in Africa
Foundational Objective
Holiness Revivalism Foundational Objective Holiness Revivalism
A spiritual environment, where God is given freedom to bring ongoing holiness revival and spiritual renewal by the end of 2013
Foundational Objective
Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism
Foundational Objective Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism
Foundational Objective Awareness of Need Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism
Foundational Objective Awareness of Need Prayer Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism Prayer Awareness of Need
Foundational Objective Awareness of Need Prayer Confession & Repentance Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism Awareness of Need Prayer
Foundational Objective Awareness of Need Prayer Confession & Repentance Covenantal Relationship Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism Awareness of Need Prayer Confession & Repentance
Foundational Objective Awareness of Need Prayer Confession & Repentance Covenantal Relationship Accountability Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism Awareness of Need Prayer Confession & Repentance Covenantal Relationship
Foundational Objective Awareness of Need Organisational Activities Prayer Organisational Activities Confession & Repentance Covenantal Relationship Accountability Holiness Revivalism Holiness Revivalism Awareness of Need Prayer Confession & Repentance Covenantal Relationship Accountability
Core Objectives
Evangelism EducationDiscipleship Education
Discipleship Education Evangelism
By end of 2015, 50% of Nazarene members in Africa will be held accountable to have learned the concepts and developed the lifestyle of personal evangelism with a goal of one million members.
Evangelism By end of 2015, 50% of Nazarene members in Africa will be held accountable to have learned the concepts and developed the lifestyle of personal evangelism with a goal of one million members. By end of 2015, every Nazarene church will have planted and nurtured a minimum of one new church with a goal of 25% of our churches involved in church multiplication movements that produce a multitude of 4th generation churches. By end of 2015, 50% of Nazarene members in Africa will be held accountable to have learned the concepts and developed the lifestyle of personal evangelism with a goal of one million members. By end of 2015, every Nazarene church will have planted and nurtured a minimum of one new church with a goal of 25% of our churches involved in church multiplication movements that produce a multitude of 4th generation churches.
Equipping Evangelism
Equipping Mobilizing Equipping Mobilizing Evangelism
Equipping Mobilizing Incorporating Equipping Mobilizing Incorporating Evangelism
Equipping Mobilizing Incorporating Organizational Activities Equipping Mobilizing Incorporating Organizational Activities Evangelism
EducationDiscipleship Education
Evangelism EducationDiscipleship Education
By end of 2015, the identity of the Church of the Nazarene in Africa will be that every believer be a disciple and a disciple- maker, teaching and obeying everything in God’s word.
Equipping Discipleship
Initial Discipleship Equipping Initial Discipleship Equipping Discipleship
Initial Discipleship Spiritual Formation Equipping Initial Discipleship Spiritual Formation Equipping Discipleship
Initial Discipleship Spiritual Formation Disciple Multiplication Equipping Initial Discipleship Spiritual Formation Disciple Multiplication Equipping Discipleship
Initial Discipleship Spiritual Formation Disciple Multiplication Organizational Activities Equipping Initial Discipleship Spiritual Formation Disciple Multiplication Organizational Activities Equipping Discipleship
Evangelism EducationDiscipleship Education
Evangelism EducationDiscipleship Education
By end of 2015, we will have Holiness educational systems in place that facilitate the training and qualification of Nazarene leaders in all fields of service of which a minimum of 15,000 are actively enrolled in ministerial training.
Clergy Development
Education Clergy Development Leadership Development Clergy Development Leadership Development
Education Clergy Development Leadership Development Professional/Vocational Development Clergy Development Leadership Development Professional/Vocational Development
Education Clergy Development Leadership Development Professional/Vocational Development Organizational Activities Clergy Development Leadership Development Professional/Vocational Development Organizational Activities
Strategic Principles of the Africa Region
Strategic Principles
Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice
Strategic Principles Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice Develop disciples with an extraordinary prayer life, who give the mission of Christ priority over their personal rights, comforts, and privileges Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice Develop disciples with an extraordinary prayer life, who give the mission of Christ priority over their personal rights, comforts, and privileges
Strategic Principles Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice Develop disciples with an extraordinary prayer life, who give the mission of Christ priority over their personal rights, comforts, and privileges Train every believer to be a disciple maker, who obeys everything in God’s Word, being God-dependent and others-focused Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice Develop disciples with an extraordinary prayer life, who give the mission of Christ priority over their personal rights, comforts, and privileges Train every believer to be a disciple maker, who obeys everything in God’s Word, being God-dependent and others-focused
Strategic Principles Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice Develop disciples with an extraordinary prayer life, who give the mission of Christ priority over their personal rights, comforts, and privileges Train every believer to be a disciple maker, who obeys everything in God’s Word, being God-dependent and others-focused Develop a living, contextualized church that moves to the people, utilizing a synchronous approach to mission Embed into every believer the Christian, holiness, and missional biblical core values in doctrine and in practice Develop disciples with an extraordinary prayer life, who give the mission of Christ priority over their personal rights, comforts, and privileges Train every believer to be a disciple maker, who obeys everything in God’s Word, being God-dependent and others-focused Develop a living, contextualized church that moves to the people, utilizing a synchronous approach to mission
Strategic Principles
Accomplish rapid reproduction of disciples and local churches through saturation evangelism and the intentional multiplication of churches that multiply churches using reproducible methodologies
Strategic Principles Accomplish rapid reproduction of disciples and local churches through saturation evangelism and the intentional multiplication of churches that multiply churches using reproducible methodologies Achieve rapid incorporation of new believers through dynamic, Christian, compassionate, missional fellowship, training them to be mission-focused and strategy-centered in their ministry practices Accomplish rapid reproduction of disciples and local churches through saturation evangelism and the intentional multiplication of churches that multiply churches using reproducible methodologies Achieve rapid incorporation of new believers through dynamic, Christian, compassionate, missional fellowship, training them to be mission-focused and strategy-centered in their ministry practices
Strategic Principles Accomplish rapid reproduction of disciples and local churches through saturation evangelism and the intentional multiplication of churches that multiply churches using reproducible methodologies Achieve rapid incorporation of new believers through dynamic, Christian, compassionate, missional fellowship, training them to be mission-focused and strategy-centered in their ministry practices Expect and affirm a movement of God with systems of multiplication for expanding and equipping the Church, such as experienced by the New Testament Church in the Book of Acts Accomplish rapid reproduction of disciples and local churches through saturation evangelism and the intentional multiplication of churches that multiply churches using reproducible methodologies Achieve rapid incorporation of new believers through dynamic, Christian, compassionate, missional fellowship, training them to be mission-focused and strategy-centered in their ministry practices Expect and affirm a movement of God with systems of multiplication for expanding and equipping the Church, such as experienced by the New Testament Church in the Book of Acts
Strategic Principles
Maintain a leadership focus, where every leader is mentoring leaders to be equipped and deployed into the mission of the Church
Multiplying Disciples
Multiplying Churches Multiplying Disciples Multiplying Churches
1. Cor. 14:12 “Try to excel in the gifts that build up the Church” 1. Cor. 14:12