To educate, state the facts, and to dispel rumors about our current facility and why a new facility is necessary. To show the current facility’s condition and its issues in comparison to a modern jail operation.
The courthouse was built in the 1920’s with the Sheriff’s Office and jail located on the 4 th floor. The jail consist of three cells, with a capacity of 13 inmates (2 – five inmate cells and 1 – three inmate cell). The Court House is on the Historic Registry, making improvements very difficult. The courthouse elevator was added in 1976.
A county jail is mainly used as a holding facility for pre-adjudicated (pre-trial) inmates. Most are in county jail awaiting trial, waiting to be bonded out, or waiting to be sent to prison. Some are serving sentence, but unlike prison, an inmate can only be held up to one year in the county jail.
It is a County Jail not a Prison Most of our inmates are Rooks County residents and not from the major cities There are No windows for inmates to peer out of. No razor wire or search lights to make the area look forbidding. No outside exercise yard for inmates to interact with the public.
This is a growing inmate population in county facilities due to the purchases and production of methamphetamines. Rooks County
Just because someone is incarcerated doesn’t mean they forfeit all their constitutional rights. Kansas no longer has a Jail Inspector. Sheriffs are bound by the Kansas State Fire Marshall to meet the health, safety and welfare of the occupants per the building codes. A county detention facility is identified as Institutional-type 3 (I-3). While they lose their physical freedom, the inmates do not lose their rights related to religion, speech, medical and mental health care, searches, due process, and access to the courts.
The jail needs to be brought up to current codes and standards like ADAAG. Narrow detention door openings limit entry or exit into the Sheriff’s office and holding area. Ambulance personnel cannot place a gurney or back board in the elevator without standing it on end to access the fourth floor. There are major problems when the elevator is shut down for any delivery, medical emergency or moving an unruly inmate up or down four flights of stairs.
There are concerns with the evacuation of staff and inmates in the event of a fire. There is no sprinkler system in the courthouse. Any major renovations will require the county to upgrade and renovate the entire courthouse.
Insufficient space to separate (classify) inmate types by crimes and security levels. Insufficient space to separate or isolate inmates with medical problems and mental health issues. Lacking a secure location to screen mental health patients.
They eat every meal in their sleeping area which creates issues. No dayroom for out of cell activity or tables for inmates to eat at. Inmates are not allowed the required “1 hour” a day outside their cells.
Overcrowding issues, inmates sleeping on the floor. Which can be a danger to officers and staff when entering a cell. Department of Corrections (DOC) overcrowding issues and State budget cuts, are putting the burden back onto the County jails. Federal & State budget cuts to the mental health facilities, means placing them in county jails
Very poor set up for visitation, which is a major security risk for contraband. The cells have metal bars, which makes it easier for suicide attempts. There has been one successful suicide and one attempt in the last three years. Lack of camera coverage for persons on suicide watch. Currently dispatch and jailers must visually check inmates every 15 minutes. This can leave 911 phones and radios unmanned.
More secure holding facility – less chance of escapes. Lessen the liability of inmate lawsuits due to code and ACA violations. Comply with all ADAAG laws and building codes. Safer environment for inmates & staff.
911 phones and radios will not be left unmanned. Keep jail expense dollars within the county. Jobs for the department.
Isolation cell for those inmates with contagious health issues, mental health issues or attitude problems Secure room for AA, NA, Church Services & exercise for inmates
Rooks County Female cell Rooks County “bullpen”
We are seeking to fund the project by issuing a ½ cent county wide sales tax that should pay off in 12 years or less. Rooks County does not want to do this by raising property taxes. A ½ cent sales tax would add.50 cents to a $100 purchase, or $5 to a $1000 purchase. The tax will be put to a public vote on Nov. 4 th. The estimated project cost for the jail is $3.5 million dollars The tax would automatically “sunset” as soon as the bonds are paid in full.
Want to THANK YOU for your time and consideration!