CSAC 119th Annual Meeting Healthy Counties - Healthy California


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Presentation transcript:

CSAC 119th Annual Meeting Healthy Counties - Healthy California Restoration of Competency Jail Based Program Saves Time and Money! Presented By Terry Fillman, MBA, RN, CCHP Health Services Administrator San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Depart Terry: Intro to topic

Jail Bed Day Management Incompetent to Stand Trial (IST) Average Length of Stay (ALS) 2009/2010 the ALS for pre-sentenced IST inmates average was 765 days each 2009/2010 the ALS for pre-sentenced non-IST inmates average was 42 days each Terry: Review of jail bed days and specific types of incarcerations found a glaring issue with IST

Incompetent to Stand Trial Issues Pre-sentenced time for IST Arrest court process to determine IST State mental hospital admission wait time State mental hospital admission treatment time Return to jail determined competent Return to court process Possible decompensation Repeat process Adjudication Terry: Review details

Jail-Based Program CA Department of State Hospital Pilot 20-bed jail-based treatment program Incompetent-to-stand trial felony cases Open-ended option to transfer to State Hospital Open new collaboration partners The objectives of Liberty Health ROC Program Restore to competency- Fast Track Provide less costly housing and program alternative to state hospital Help reduce State Hospital waitlist and bed supply Enable patients to receive more timely treatment Kevin

Fast Track Model The “Fast Lane” IST defendants are diverse & vary in terms of speed of restorability. Identify & separate the rapid responders from the defendants requiring long-term treatment. Eases congestion heading to the state hospital & reduce the waitlists. Kevin

Team Approach Coordinating with the courts, judges, and DA Addressing public defender’s concerns Collaborating with State Hospital Coordinating jail services Classification and security issues Housing and Programming space Custody staff training Health Services Primary healthcare, medications, labs, etc Jail mental health services Pre and Post ROC program Suicide Watch Kevin

General Statistics to October 2013 Total admissions: 229 Total discharges: 215 Restored to competency: Average length of treatment (LOT) for restored patients: 56 days LOT range for restored defendants: 14 to 150 days Restored in < 90 days: 89% Competency Findings upheld: 98% Transferred to State Hospital: 45% Average time between admission and transfer request: 60 days Average length of stay (LOS) for transfers: 90 days Kevin

Medication Data to October 2013 Number of patients prescribed psychotropic medication(s): 90% Choose not to force medications Medication compliance incentive program Fully compliant 87% Intermittent compliance 3% Refusing medication: 10% *Compliance not affecting outcome Kevin

Fiscal Outcomes California Legislative Analyst Office Report: Recommended expanded use of ROC programs because of ability to significantly decrease costs to public sector After first nine-months of operation, LAO estimated: $1.2 million savings for the State $200,000 savings for San Bernardino County ROC provided treatment at a cost of about $70,000 less per patient. Information and statistics from LAO report, January 3, 2012 at www.lao.ca.gov Terry explain

Evidence Based Outcomes 2012 - 2013 ALS for pre-sentenced IST inmates average 296 days each 2012 – 2013 Reduction in jail bed days for IST 469 days each > 93,000 Jail Bed Days Saved since inception of Jail Based Restoration of Competency Program at San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department! Terry explain

Contact Information Deputy Chief Greg Garland ggarland@sbcsd.org Health Services Administrator Terry Fillman tfillman@sbcsd.org ROC Executive Director Kevin Rice karice@sbcsd.org