Go Directly To Jail Adrian Hayes PHRN Researcher PHRN Conference 2006
Background Aim To outline the procedure of approvals for prison health research To highlight replication, ‘grey areas’, and gaps Intended to be useful to researchers and prison/health staff
Our Experience Difficulties with the approval system Which bodies to apply to Changing systems/committees Multiple forms asking for similar information Overlap of ethical approval Who has the ‘final say’
Agencies COREC NHS RECs NHS Trusts PCTs Caldicott Guardians PIAG DH R&D Prison Research Contacts Prison Governors Area Psychologists PQAB Planning Group University Ethics Committees
Outcomes Repetition NHS REC, HMPS & NHS Governance look at methodology NHS REC & HMPS look at ethics HMPS and NHS Governance look at resources Grey Areas What is ‘Approval in Principle’? Which Trusts should be approached?
Solutions Group convened Chair: Dr Mary Piper, Prison Health Representing HMPS COREC RECs DH NOMS PHRN
Key Questions Does project have health outcomes? Is project Research or Audit or Service Evaluation? Does project fulfil NOMS criteria?
Is project Research or Audit/Service Evaluation Receive Funding Governor ’ s Approval Begin Does project have health outcomes HMPS Approval University Approval No Yes Does project fulfil NOMS criteria No HMPS Approval NOMS Approval University Approval Audit / Service Evaluation Research Yes Does project fulfil NOMS criteria NHS REC Approval Governance Approval HMPS Approval NOMS Approval University Approval NHS REC Approval Governance Approval HMPS Approval University Approval No Yes Governance Approval HMPS Approval University Approval
The Future Changing Systems Governance arrangements COREC’s IT system Specific Research Issues Clinical Trials Indemnity Consent/Assent
The Future PHRN Workshops January 2007 North and South Contact: Adrian Hayes