ACE 41 JAILBREAK 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 Y Z X H 1 F Q
ACE 41 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety LG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) RT 90 set and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut X Cut-off backside M.D.M. Y 2 Steps Upfield – Block #1 or M.D.M. Z Jailbreak – Drive upfield 3 hard steps, comeback at an angle toward the QB, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! H F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to Z as he comes down line early
EARLY 41 JAILBREAK 1 Y X H Z F Q *** Can also run Ace Lt 51 Jailbreak 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 Y X H Z 1 F Q *** Can also run Ace Lt 51 Jailbreak
EARLY 41 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety LG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) RT 90 set and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut X Cut-off backside M.D.M. Y 2 Steps Upfield – Block #2 or M.D.M. Z Jailbreak – Drive upfield 3 hard steps, comeback at an angle toward the QB, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! H 2 Steps Upfield – Block #1 or M.D.M. F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to Z as he comes down line early
ACE 42 JAILBREAK 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Y H Z 1 Q F
ACE 42 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety LG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) RT 90 set and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut X Cut-off backside M.D.M. Y Inside Jail Screen – Run bubble for 3 steps, Put foot in ground, Retrace at a downhill angle, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! Z Block #1 or M.D.M. H F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to Y as he comes down line early
EARLY 42 JAILBREAK 1 X Y H Z Q F *** Can also run Ace Lt 52 Jailbreak 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Y H Z 1 Q F *** Can also run Ace Lt 52 Jailbreak
EARLY 42 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety LG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) RT 90 set and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut X Cut-off backside M.D.M. Y 2 Steps Upfield – Block #2 or M.D.M. Z Block #1 or M.D.M. H Inside Jail Screen – Run bubble for 3 steps, Put foot in ground, Retrace at a downhill angle, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to H as he comes down line early
ACE RIP 42 JAILBREAK 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Z H Y 1 Q F
ACE RIP 42 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 pro and High wall DE LG 90 set and show hands flat release block first peel back Defensive Lineman C 90 set and show hands flat release block #2 inside of box RG 90 set and show hands flat release block #1 inside of box RT 90 set and show hands flat release block #1 outside of box X Block #1 or M.D.M. Y Jailbreak - 3 Steps Upfield, Return at angle toward QB, Do not go deeper than LOS, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score Z H Jailbreak - 3 Steps Upfield, Return at angle toward QB, Do not go deeper than LOS F Block #2 to the Right QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to X as he comes down line early
EARLY 43 JAILBREAK 1 X Y H Z Q F *** Can also run Ace Lt 53 Jailbreak 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Y H Z 1 Q F *** Can also run Ace Lt 53 Jailbreak
EARLY 43 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety LG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) RT 90 set and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut X Cut-off backside M.D.M. Y Inside Jail Screen – Run bubble for 3 steps, Put foot in ground, Retrace at a downhill angle, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! Z Block #1 or M.D.M. H Block #2 or M.D.M. F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to H as he comes down line early
ACE 51 JAILBREAK 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 Y X Z H 1 F Q
ACE 51 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 pro and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut LG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver RT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety X (Align 8-10 yards from tackle) Jailbreak Y Cut-off backside M.D.M. Z H 2 Steps Up-field – Block #1 or M.D.M. F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to X as he comes down line early
EARLY 51 JAILBREAK 1 X Y H Z F Q *** Can also run Ace Lt 41 Jailbreak 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Y H Z 1 F Q *** Can also run Ace Lt 41 Jailbreak
EARLY 51 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 pro and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut LG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver RT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety X Jailbreak – Drive upfield 3 hard steps, comeback at an angle toward the QB, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! Y Cut-off backside M.D.M. Z H F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to X as he comes down line early
ACE 52 JAILBREAK 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Y Z H 1 F Q
ACE 52 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT 90 pro and high wall DE; If DE crosses face then Cut LG 90 set and show hands flat release block Alley Defender (#2) C 90 set and show hands flat release block 1st LB inside Box (#3) RG 90 set and show hands flat release Peel block Most-Dangerous D-Lineman chasing receiver RT 90 set and show hands flat release block BSLB to Safety X Block #1 or M.D.M. Y Cut-off backside M.D.M. Z H Inside Jail Screen – Run bubble for 3 steps, Put foot in ground, Retrace at a downhill angle, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score! F Swing #’s QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to H as he comes down line early
EMPTY RIGHT 52 JAIL 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 Y X F Z H 1 Q
EMPTY RIGHT 52 JAIL POS. RULE LT 90 set and show hands flat release block #1 outside of box LG 90 set and show hands flat release block #1 inside of box C 90 set and show hands flat release block #2 inside of box RG 90 set and show hands flat release block first peel back Defensive Lineman RT 90 pro and High wall DE X Block #1 (Be Under Control) Y Block #2 Z Block #1 H Jailbreak - 3 Steps Upfield, Return at angle toward QB, Do not go deeper than LOS, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score F Jailbreak - 3 Steps Upfield, Return at angle toward QB, Do not go deeper than LOS QB READS Pump Fake opposite / Retreat / Get Big-Be Athletic /Throw to X as he comes down line early
ACE FLIP LASSO 41 JAIL 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 X Y Z H 1 F Q
ACE FLIP LASSO 41 JAIL POS. RULE LT Sale Lasso for 3 steps, release Rt stay flat Block second peel back defensive lineman (if no Peel Back, continue up to second level) LG Sale Lasso for 3 steps, release Rt stay flat Block first peel back defensive lineman. C Sale Lasso for 3 steps, release Rt stay flat Block #2 inside of Box RG Sale Lasso for 3 steps, release Rt stay flat Block #1 inside of Box RT Sale Lasso for 3 steps, release Rt stay flat Block #1 outside of Box X Block #1 Y Jailbreak - 3 Steps Up field, Return at angle toward QB, Do not go deeper than LOS, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score/ cheat in to 8-10 yards from tackle Z Block #2 H Block #3 F Attack Edge QB READS Roll left 3 steps-Spin and throw jailbreak as Y comes down the L.O.S. early
EARLY RODEO 51 JAILBREAK 2 0 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 0 5 5 Y X Z H 1 F Q
EARLY RODEO 51 JAILBREAK POS. RULE LT Sale Rodeo 3 steps release Rt stay flat Block #1 outside of box. LG Sale Rodeo 3 steps release Rt stay flat Block #1 inside of box C Sale Rodeo 3 steps release Rt stay flat Block #2 inside of box RG Sale Rodeo 3 steps release Rt stay flat Block first peel back defensive lineman. RT Sale Rodeo 3 steps release Rt stay flat Block second defensive lineman (if no Peel Back, continue up to second level) X Jailbreak - 3 Steps Upfield, Return at angle toward QB, Do not go deeper than LOS, Attack the Ball, Catch & Score / cheat in to 8-10 yards from tackle Y Block #3 Z Block #1 H Block #2 F Attack Edge QB READS Roll left 3 steps-Spin and throw jailbreak as X comes down the L.O.S. early