OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF CAMDEN COUNTY …MAKING IT BETTER TOGETHER 48 th Annual ERICSA Training Conference & Exposition May 22-26, 2011 Sergeant Christopher Eife
OBJECTIVE o Overview of Camden County Sheriff’s Office o Camden County Statistics o Sheriff Title IV-D Cooperative Agreement o Arrest Process & Worker Safety o General Office Safety Tips o Camden Warrant Statistics & Performance
Camden County Sheriff’s Office Our scope of services include: o Authority to Arrest o Courtroom Security o Warrant Unit o Civil Processing—summons/complaints, evictions, levies, jury warrants, etc. o Transportation Unit—jail transportation o Special Services—bomb squad, canine, negotiators Staff: 191
CAMDEN COUNTY STATISTICS o County o Population: 517,000 (Census 09) o Unemployment Rate: 10.6% (USDA 2010) o Camden City ( 2010)) o Population: 73,300 o Unemployment Rate: 16.3% o Ave. Salary: $22,250 o Median Household Income: $18k o Camden County Jail Population (ave): 1,300
SHERIFF TITLE IV-D COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Purpose To establish a set of performance standards and reimbursement procedures for arrest services in IV-D cases where a child support bench warrant was issued by the court for failure to appear before the court and failure to comply with the child support order. # Staff Dedicated to This Program 7 FTE
PROGRAM STAKEHOLERS o Camden County Sheriff Office o Camden County Jail o Camden County Probation o Camden County Courts o Custodial/Non-Custodial Parents
DATABASES & TOOLS USED o Utilize NJKiDS (Title IV-D cs system) for following purposes: o Receive electronic warrants o Validate demographic information & review warrant status o Execute Warrants on NJKiDS o Sheriff Quarterly Report o Utilize NJWPS (state law enforcement database) o Enter warrants and clear warrants o Utilize Accurint web-services o Locate purposes o CJIS (criminal justice information system) o Wage, labor, unemployment disability
ARREST PROCESS Our program has two options, as a result of arrest: o Placed in jail o Post-Arrest Negotiated Settlement With Probation
WHAT FACTORS DO YOU CONSIDER FOR POST ARREST PROBATION NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT? In general: o Ability to pay child support and arrears and arrears o No pending criminal warrants o Cooperation o No immediate danger or threat to self or others
How do you ensure worker safety while in custody at Probation? o Assessment begins at arrest…If you have to cuff, we don’t want the stuff o Inform arrestee of procedure o Willingness to comply o Communicate with probation o Stay with arrestee through probation interview
WHAT HAPPENS IF PERSON BECOMES UNCOOPERATIVE AT PROBATION OFFICE? o Ask the probation worker to leave the immediate area and inform supervisor o Attempt to de-escalate arrestee using non- threatening communication skills o Attempt to come to common ground for safety of all to complete interview o If not successful, physically remove subject and transport to the county jail
General Probation Office Safety Tips… What if We Don’t Have Law Enforcement Present and Client is a ‘Walk In’ At a minimum, all offices should: o Conduct and environment assessment—location of office is important o Worker placement in an interview office is important—sit by the door, always provide an out o Have standard procedures for client assessment: ie, if client appears uncooperative don’t keep going ie, if client appears uncooperative don’t keep going o Have an emergency plan for 911 o Staff training on cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and standard procedures are a must
General Worker Tips o Be conscious of your surroundings—always o Communicate with your co-workers—let someone know you are with a client o Know your own limitations o Don’t be afraid to stop an interview and ask for help o Attend ongoing trainings—learning is continuous
CAMDEN COUNTY SHERIFF PROGRAM STATISTICS & PERFORMANCE o In FFY10, Camden County Court issued 3,827 child support warrants o In FFY10, Camden County Sheriff executed 2,665 child support warrants o On ave., there are between 950 to 1100 child support warrants active in Camden County o In FFY10, Camden County Sheriff collected $1.08 million
OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF CAMDEN COUNTY Sgt. Christopher Eife Special Investigations Unit office