A few facts and figures…. US population composition.


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Presentation transcript:

A few facts and figures…

US population composition

Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys (The National Probation Data Survey, National Prisoner Statistics, Survey of Jails, and The National Parole Data Survey) as presented in Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997.Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997.

Almost nine out of every ten jail inmates were adult males. However, the number of adult females in jail increased faster than males. Since 2000, the number of juveniles held in adult facilities declined each year.

Between 1990 and 2003, the number of white and Hispanic jail inmates increased at the same average annual rate. The number black inmates increased at a slower pace.

Blacks were two times more likely than Hispanics and five times more likely than whites to be in jail.

Source: FBI’s website- Facts and figures Violent crimes in US

Violent crimes in US

Murder victims by race and gender, 2003

Murder victims by age, race and gender

Murder offenders by age, race and gender

Law enforcement officers killed

All the way from Texas… Average time spent at death row years Shortest Time on Death Row prior to Execution –Joe Gonzales, Potter County, 252 days, executed on 9/18/962. –Steven Renfro, Harrison County, 263 days, executed on 2/9/98 Longest Time on Death Row prior to Execution –Excell White Collin County, 8982 days (24 years) executed on 3/30/1992. –Sammie Felder, Jr., Harris County, 8569 days (23 years) executed on 12/15/99

All the way from Texas… Average Age of Executed Offenders: 39 Youngest at Time of Execution –Jay Pinkerton, Nueces County, age 24, executed on 5/15/1986 –Jesse De La Rosa, Bexar County, age, 24, executed on 5/15/1985 Oldest at Time of Execution –William Chappell, Tarrant County, age 66, executed on 11/20/2002 –Hilton Crawford, Montgomery County, age 64, executed on 7/2/2003

Juveniles and death penalty Number of countries that have abolished the death penalty for offenses committed while under 18 years of age: 70 Number of countries where the execution of minors is prohibited by treaty or legislation: 112 Number of countries that have executed a juvenile offender, : 9 Number of death sentences imposed on juvenile offenders in the United States since 1976: 224

Juveniles and death penalty Number of death sentences carried out on juvenile offenders in the United States since 1976: 21 Number of death sentences carried out on juvenile offenders since 1976 that were in Texas: 13 Number of First World countries other than the U.S. who execute juvenile offenders: 0