Alternative Sanctions Changing Lives to Ensure a Safer Florida Trust*Respect*Accountability*Integrity*Leadership
Why have Alternative Sanctions?
There is no evidence that “punishment/incarceration” works in reducing future crime
Reducing Recidivism Future violations are prevented when there is little time delay between behavior and response. Prevent future Crimes
Reducing Recidivism 1st Positive DT- OP treatment 2 nd Positive Residential 3 rd Positive Increased supervision Sanctions are graduated Offender participates in his/her sanction
BENEFITS Reduced court dockets for probation violations on technical violation Reduced prosecutor/public defender resources dedicated to technical violation Reduced jail population Allow the offender to remain engaged in employment/school/family while complying with imposed sanction.
Implementation of Alternative Sanctions
What practices would promote effective and cost-efficient community-based alternatives to jail and prison without jeopardizing public safety. Public Safety Cost-efficient community-based alternative to jail and prison
Alternative Sanctions Established Provides the Court with an administrative diversion option to handle non-violent first and second time probation violators. Technical violations are addressed administratively with pre-determined sanctions. Sanctions may vary from one circuit or judge to another. Identified technical violations and appropriate sanctions are established with the court and formalized utilizing an administrative order.
Alternative Sanctions Criteria Limited to technical violations for non-violent offenders No lengthy or violent criminal history No sex offenders No new arrest No absconders No violations for “no contact” No offenders with three or more previous violations
Alternative Sanctions Violations/Sanction Matrix Violation-ConditionsApproved List of Sanctions Failed to report changes in residence or employment without first procuring the officer’s consent (or notifying immediately if evicted from residence or laid off from job). 1. Weekly call in for 6 weeks. 2. Twice a month reporting for 3 months. 3. Weekly reporting for 6 weeks. Failure to maintain employment.1. Weekly reporting with job search logs until employed. 2. Daily reporting with job search logs until employed. 3. Curfew from 8pm to 6am for 90 days or until employed. Failure to remain at residence during curfew period.1. Weekly reporting for 3 months. 2. Electronic Monitoring for 30 days. 3. Jail work squad for 2 weekends Failure to maintain approved schedule-unapproved absence from required location (negligence in getting home late, stopping at store on way home without permission) 1. Electronic Monitoring for 30 days. 2. Jail work squad for 2 weekends hours public service work. Failure to pay monetary obligations.1. If unemployed-daily job search. 2. If employed-monthly budgeting. 3. Curfew from 8pm to 6am for 90 days. 4. Weekly call in until monetary obligations are current. 5. Extend probation to auto term upon completion of all conditions. (Affidavit will be filed with this sanction to toll the supervision. Once the offender completes the supervision, the affidavit will be dismissed.) Failure to complete community service hours as instructed.1. Daily reporting until community hours completed if unemployed. 2. Weekly reporting until community hours completed if employed. 3. Jail squad for 2 weekends.
Alternative Sanctions Violations/Sanction Matrix Violation-ConditionsApproved List of Sanctions Positive drug test for non-prescribed drugs (first occurrence).1.Drug evaluation and successfully complete treatment. 2.Increase level of treatment program up to and including residential. 3.Curfew from 8pm to 6am for 90 days (can be modified by the probation officer for treatment/work purposes). Positive drug test for non-prescribed drugs (second occurrence).1.Drug evaluation and successfully complete treatment. 2.Increase level of treatment program up to and including residential. 3.Curfew from 8pm to 6am for 90 days (can be modified by the probation officer for treatment /work purposes). Failure to attend treatment evaluation or treatment session as scheduled. 1.Curfew from 8pm to 6am until evaluation completed. 2.Weekly reporting until evaluation completed. 3.Daily call in until evaluation completed. Failure to submit to random testing as directed.1. Weekly reporting by 11 am. 2. Reporting 3 times a week by 11 am. 3. Curfew from 8pm to 6am for 90 days (can be modified by the probation officer for treatment/work purposes). Failed to report as instructed.1.Weekly call in for 6 weeks 2.Daily call in for 30 days 3.Report twice a month for 60 days.
Alternative Sanctions Administrative Order
Alternative Sanctions Administrative Order
Alternative Sanctions How does it work? Offender Commits Identified Technical Violations Admits VOP chooses to participate in the ASP NO YES VOP is processed. Offender goes to jail. Offender meets with their officer: Waiver of Formal VOP/VOCC Hearing, Admission of Violation, and Acceptance of Sanctions (ASP/TVN) Order approving Alternative Sanctions Court approves sanction Continues on Supervision YESNO
Offender must sign an admission/wavier
Alternative Sanctions Order
Alternative Sanctions Top Five Violations Positive UA 159 Failure to Remain confined33 Failure to report for drug evaluation 7 Curfew Violations6 Failure to pay monetary obligations 6
Alternative Sanctions Active % Successfully Termed from Supervision % Unsuccessfully Termed from Supervision % Pending Violation Status % Pending100.40% Declined by Judge % Total Number Referred %
Alternative Sanctions Cost Savings If an officer spends on average two hours in court for every violation, we have saved a total of 496 hours. See chart below for salary dollars saved. Saving reflected are for a 17 month period. Probation Officer$ Public Defenders$14, State Attorney$14, Jail$ 26, Total$63,197.78
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