Partners in Crisis Board Meeting March 9, Tallahassee Mark A. Engelhardt, MS, ACSW USF-FMHI: Dept. of Mental Health, Law & Policy
CJMHSA Reinvestment Report Brief Background: Legislative Approval 2007 FS (1) (a) – (f) Annual Report – Grant Funded Activities; Availability and Accessibility of Jail Diversion/Re-entry Initiatives; Data submitted to DCF; Impact Reports from Counties; Local evaluations, 100% Local Match Funds Planning (12 ) and Implementation Grants (11) = Implementation (9) and Expansion (5) Grants State-County- CJMHSA – Provider Partnerships 2
CJMHSA Reinvestment Plans CJMHSA Planning Councils – Either with the Public Safety Coordinating Councils or Establishment of Special CJMHSA Committees in Each County At least ½ of the Counties have utilized the Sequential Intercept Mapping Process, resulting in a focused CJMHSA Strategic Plan, Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement (MOU/MOA) and concrete Action Plan with responsible leaders These plans have positioned counties for consensus on best practices and pursuit of other grants/awards 3
Key Partnerships Florida Partners in Crisis – Judges & Advocates DCF, Florida Association of Counties, FADAA, Florida Council, USF, Former SAMH Corp., NAMI, etc. Shared Leadership, Knowledge of Community-based systems, Managing Entities, Sustainability ($) Strategic Planning – Active involvement in CJMHSA Planning Councils and Promoting Recovery Reduction of 916 Forensic Admissions/Discharges SAMH Advisory Council = Advocacy Role with Counties, DCF and Existing Statewide Partners 4
2010 Implementation Progress County Intercept and practice(s) 1. Alachua 2. Broward County 3. Hillsborough County 1. Forensic Diversion Team – Existing Mental Health Court 2. Freedom Project – Pre- arrest Jail Diversion = One- stop 3. Looking Ahead – Re-entry program – In jail screening and Forensic aftercare, CFBHN Managing Entity – Local Coordination 5
2010 Implementation Progress County Intercept and practice(s) 4. Lee County 5. Leon County 6. Miami-Dade County 4. Triage Center/Low Demand – Assessment to Supportive Housing and Treatment 5. Mental Health Court – Pre- trial release MH probation, competency restoration and CIT training 6. Criminal MH Project – Felony/Misdemeanor Diversion, CIT, Peer inclusion, SOAR success 6
2010 Implementation Progress County Intercept and practice(s) 7. Nassau County 8. Orange County 9. Pinellas County 7. Expansion of Mental Health Court – In-jail screening, referrals and evaluations 8. Central Receiving Center (CRC) – Transitional Housing = ANCHOR Program 9. Focused Outreach Program with Public Defenders Office Diversion (Reducing the In-jail Wait List) 7
2010 Implementation Progress County Intercept and practice(s) 10. Polk County 11. St. Lucie County 12. Other: Sequential Intercept Mapping without grants 10. Misdemeanor Mental Health Court, Crisis Response Team, Forensic Intensive Case Management 11. Expansion of Mental Health Court, Case Management, Excellent Data Base and tracking 12. Hillsborough, Collier, Lee, Pinellas - Veterans 8
Emerging Local Data/ Highlights Alachua – 200 persons – None went to DCF state Mental Health Hospitals Broward- 85% = No arrest after 90 day “graduation” Hillsborough = DOC recidivism = 7% Lee – Of 515 served in low demand 7 went to jail Leon – Over 300 law enforcement specialists trained in CIT Miami-Dade – 93% Success in SOAR – National Recognition! Nassau – Over 3,400 screened in the jail Orange – 91% no arrests after 30 days in CRC 9
Best Practices in Development Forensic Intensive Case Management Teams Inclusion of Peer Specialists on various teams Co-occurring Courts; Veterans Courts Discharge Planning & Supportive Housing Expansion of CIT & Crisis Response Capability In-jail screening and comprehensive assessments Benefits planning and SOAR Trauma Informed Training Sustainability Plans – Cash and In-kind 10
Value Added Impact: Sequential Intercept Mapping and Action Planning has been a tool to keep CJMHSA Planning Councils on track and successful – Winning Federal Grants Grants have been a catalyst to Partnerships Emerging Data and Local Evaluations Providers responsiveness to National Best Practices Public Education about SAMH, Healthcare & Justice Cross-Systems Training Opportunities Annual Reinvestment Grant Conference 11
“Class of Awards” EXPANSION Alachua – Blended Team Lee County – Detox Beds Miami-Dade - Benefits Orange – Link to Housing/Employment Pinellas – Detox Program IMPLEMENTATION Charlotte Collier Monroe Duval Flagler Lake Osceola Palm Beach 12
USF-FMHI TA Center Resources Clearinghouse & links to other National Best Practices, Grant Resources, Document Library, Website Linkages (BJA, GAINS) – “one-stop”, Judicial Circuit and County Data Base – IDS, Medicaid, Baker Act, FDLE and Juvenile Justice (2011) Training & Technical Assistance – Initial County Grant applications and on-site implementation TA County/Federal Grant Evaluations – Design/Analysis John Petrila, JD - Director – Mark Engelhardt