11/28/12 Al Capone (1931)
Table Of Contents Al Capone………………………………………………………………….3 Image Name………………………………………………………………4 Map Name…………………………………………………………………5 Video Name……………………………………………………………....6 Trial Exam………………………………………………………………….7 Bibliography……………………………………………………………….8
Al Capone was head of the most profitable crime syndicate known as the "Valentine's Day Massacre," but this is not what he went to jail for he Went to jail for not paying his income taxes. In 1925 All took over the bootlegging business himself. In 1925 Al was involved in a five-car motorcade carrying fight, and a man was killed. He got charged with murder; later on the charges were dropped. In 1926 Al starting to expand his business, he moved to Miami. By 1928, Capone was grossing an estimated $105,000,000 a year Capone beat three men to death with a baseball bat on Valentine's Day The so-called “Mattingly letter" conceded taxable income for the six disputed years ranging from $26,000 in 1924 to $100,000 in 1928 and Wilson filed the letter away. On March 13, two days before the statute of limitations would have run, the grand jury indicted Al Capone for evading federal income taxes in Al Capone failed to file any tax return at all during for the years 1924 through Capone served time in federal penitentiaries in Atlanta and at Alcatraz, for eight years. 1947, Capone died of a stroke in Palm Island, Florida. ( Douglas O. Linder 2011 ) Al Capone (1931)
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Video /maps?hl=en &tab=wl
Video Name
Trial Exam m?formkey=dEwzUGJhNG5CUGg2MjVjOWd wMTY3a1E6MQ#gid=0 e.com/spreadshee t/viewform?formk ey=dEwzUGJhNG5 CUGg2MjVjOWdw MTY3a1E6MQ#gi d=0
Bibliography Bardsley, M. (n.d.). Crime Library. Retrieved December 4, 2012, from trutv.com: index_1.html Linder, D. O. (2012, 12). law2. Retrieved December 4, 2012, from law2.edu: Society, C. H. (n.d.). History Files. Retrieved December 4, 2012, from History Files.com: Bibliography