Sentencing and Corrections. Repeat offender Serves the following purpose: Retribution (eye for an eye) Deterrence (to discourage defendant from committing.


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Presentation transcript:

Sentencing and Corrections

Repeat offender

Serves the following purpose: Retribution (eye for an eye) Deterrence (to discourage defendant from committing another crime) Rehabilitation (helping defendants change their behavior) Incapacitation (to separate defendant from society)

Suspended Sentence Probation Home Confinement Fine Restitution Work Release Imprisonment Death

Sentence is given but does not have served at the time it is imposed.

Defendant is on supervised release after sentencing Asking on someone on probation to attend AA is most directly serves rehabilitation

Sentence is to be served at home Can leave for work, school, or doctor’s appt. Sometimes required to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet.

Convicted defendant pays the government a sum of money

Defendant pays the victim for the losses suffered

Defendant can work in community but must return to prison at night or on weekends.

Defendant goes to prison or jail Sometimes a definite length of time( ex. 15 years), other times a range.(ex. 4 to 6 years)

Someone serving time after being convicted of a felony (Prison) Charged with a felony but awaiting trial (Jail) Serving 30 days or less on a less serious felony(Jail) Prisoners have limited rights in prison Number of people in prison has risen dramatically in recent years

Only a possibility when someone is convicted of murder Unconstitutional in any other crime Must require that mitigating and aggravating circumstances be considered

Factors that suggest a less severe punishment is appropriate

Factors that suggest a more severe punishment is appropriate

When a prisoner is released from prison before the completion of their time in confinement and supervised in the community. Are subject to random searches and drug tests with no warrant needed

Education, treatment, and training in prison Focuses on transitioning back into the community Support and mentoring while back in the community

Requires more serious punishment for persons convicted of two felonies in the past. Reflects the get- tough attitude toward crime

Certain crimes carry certain sentences with no exceptions Gives the judge little discretion in setting the sentence