Every day 7,500 children are held in adult jails for criminal court prosecution across America Sight and Sound Separation is Not Required Children held in adult jails are 36 times more likely to commit suicide than in juvenile detention In 2005 & 2006 children in jails were 21% + 13% victims of inmate on inmate violence -1% pop Up to ½ of children transferred to the adult system do not receive adult convictions
Physical Intellectual Social Emotional
Who did the children live with? Who decided the children could be placed together? What were they allowed to do? Who supported these children? How were these children treated by the chain of command? Who disciplined these children? How were these children discipline?
Juvenile Safety Juvenile Behavior (i.e. Power Struggles) High Risk for Suicide DSM-IV TR Diagnoses: * Trauma * Adjustment Disorders * Psychotic Disorders * Dissociative Disorders Attachment Disturbance Disturbance in Development: Physical, Cognitive, Emotional Lack of Educational Programming * General/Special Education Lack of Therapeutic Programming
How does a child survive? Really Survive…
No More Business as Usual; “It’s the Law” is No Excuse Effective Assistance of Counsel includes Aggressive Detention Advocacy Never Concede one Night in an Adult Jail; What if it was your child?
Craft Detailed Client Questionnaire Interview the Child Client, as many times as needed to get the whole picture Interview Family, Friends, Neighbors, Teachers, Pastors, Clubs/Organizations Consider Appointment of Guardian ad Litem
Understand Risk Assessments Available; Ask for Them and Be Ready to Argue favorable interpretation of their Results Consent to Delay in the Filing of Charges (?) Use Data regarding your client’s background and characteristics to make the argument that adult jailing is not necessary and will be harmful to their well being
Tour the Adult Jail and the Juvenile Facility Tour the jail with your investigator, DA, Judge, mental health expert, teacher Take Pictures of the conditions of confinement Meet with the Detention Facility Officials Never assume jail is providing services they claim; monitor services and get jail records Accreditation Standards & Compliance
Statutory Interpretation Separation of Powers Due Process of Law Equal Protection Right to Education and IDEA