The Rocketeer.
Choose your path. The child was meandering about with his toy plane and having the time of his life. All of a sudden a big, blue pick up truck came Smashing through the wall. What do we do... Stand your groundStand your ground. Dive out the way. Don’t know.
Stand still. The child stands still hoping to stop the car, but It looks like no-one is backing down, so what will you do... Stop the car. Throw a rock.
Dive out the way. The child dives out the way and lands on the floor.He’s got a few bruises,but he can walk. What will you do... Get revenge. Leave it.
Don’t know. The child doesn’t know what to do he is clueless. You need to think fast other wise you’ll die. What will you do... Call your mom. Jump!!!
Stop the car. The child suddenly grows the strength of the hulk and launches the car into a building. The man died as soon as he flew out of his car. THE END
Throw a rock Philbob throws a rock and the criminal gets knocked out what will we do... Finish him. Let the police handle it.
Get revenge! The child runs over to him only to find the man injured on the floor. He is in pain, but still alive What do you do... Leave him. Kill him.
Leave it The kid grows up gets a wife has a family and lives in peace OR DOES HE!!
Call your mom. The kid yells MOM! And she runs over to the Child. The mom Stands in front of the car to save her child’s precious life. Sadly, the mom was killed and had a funeral,but on the bright side the man was arrested and stayed in jail for 35 years when he got out the man called philbob killed him and got arrested for 1 year. THE END
JUMP!!! The kid dives out the way, but his leg clips the car and his leg is broken. Silently, the man gets away. FOR NOW!!!
Finish him He Slowly walks over to the man like the Terminator and unleashes his power of destiny and the man dies. The man was dead, but when the child turned 19 he went to jail. YOU CHOOSE WRONG!!
Let them handle it The police come over to the man and round house kick his face. Later on he was took to court and sentenced to no chicken in a year. The man can’t live with it so eats himself and dies. THE END
Leave him. The child felt so sorry for the guy so he said to him “do not come back to this place.” The man went to hospital with severe injuries And did not think he would live his life out of jail So he kills himself and never found peace so he haunted the child because of what he did. THE END
Kill him. The child yells FAITALITY and rips off his head and then shoots the man with a Desert Eagle. While he was killing him the child yelled...