Vandalism By: Jaylon Poche’
What is it? Vandalism is when a person ruins public property. For example, kids could vandalize fast food restaurants and houses. Vandalism isn’t only drawing on things that aren’t yours. Vandalism is also busting the windows out of someone’s car and knocking out grave markers. Vandalism is very illegal and you can serve time in jail for it.
Penalties for Vandalism You can be sent to jail for vandalism. You will usually only be in jail for a few days for vandalism because vandalism is a “petty” crime, but if the property you vandalized was worth a lot of money you will have to serve more time in jail and you would also have to pay fine. When you get the money to pay the fine you have to give the money to court, not to the property owner.
Vandalism Elements Different types of vandalism include: graffiti, carving, etching, and other things like placing posters on property without permission. Usually all of those examples are permanent, but sometimes when the people get the money to pay for what they did, they paint over it or wash it off.
Can vandalism be used for a good reason? I believe vandalism can be used for a good reason. I say that because in Hoot, Mullet Fingers was vandalizing the construction cite to protect the burrowing owls from being harmed by the construction workers.
The End That concludes my presentation on vandalism. I hope you enjoyed and realized that vandalism is not a good act to perform.