ECC Curve Selection By Edward Yin CS 265 Project Spring 2005
Why ECC? Key Size, Speed, and Scalability NIST guidelines for equivalent strengths: Bits of Security Symmetric key algs. Hash algs. Discrete Logs (DSA, DH, MQV) RSA Elliptic Curves 80SHA-1L = 1024 N = 160k = 1024f = TDESL = 2048 N = 224k = 2048f = AES-128SHA-256L = 3072 N = 256k = 3072f = AES-192SHA-384L = 7680 N = 384k = 7680f = AES-256SHA-512L = N = 512k = 15360f = 512
ECC Basics Prime: GF(p) Y 2 = X 3 + aX + b with 4a b 2 ≠ 0 Binary: GF(2 m ) Y 2 + XY = X 3 + aX 2 + b with b ≠ 0 An “elliptic curve” means points on the curve plus the point at infinity. Private: integer k Public: a, b, point P, point Q=kP
Discrete Logs Discrete Log Problem (DLP) –Given p, g, and y, find x such that g x = y (mod p). ECDLP –Given P, Q, find k such that kP = Q. Diffie-Hellman Problem (DHP) –Given p, g, g a, g b, find g ab (mod p). ECDHP –Given P, sP, tP, find stP.
DLP and ECDLP Regular DL (e.g. Diffie-Hellman) ECC with prime field ECC with binary field FieldGF(p) GF(2 m ) Field representation0,1,…,p-1 Polynomial basis or normal basis Field order (size)pp2m2m Group elementsGF(p)* E(GF(p)) = curve E over GF(p) E(GF(2 m )) = curve E over GF(2 m ) Basic operation Multiplication in GF(p) Addition of points on E Base elementGenerator gBase point P Main operationExponentiationScalar multiplication Group order (size)p-1 p+1-2p 1/2 ≤ #E(GF(p)) ≤ p+1+2p 1/2 2 m +1-2 m/2+1 ≤ #E(GF(2 m )) ≤ 2 m +1+2 m/2+1
Known Attacks Best general attack is the Pollard rho method, taking O(n 1/2 ) curve additions, where n is the order of the base point P (smallest positive integer such that nP = 0). Shortcuts: 1.The Pohlig-Hellman algorithm reduces the size of the problem. ECDLP reduced to ECDLP modulo each prime factor of n 2.ECDLP for anomalous curves in a prime field is solvable in polynomial time. Prime-field-anomalous if group order = field order = n 3.ECDLP for some curves (e.g. supersingular curves) is solvable in subexponential time MOV reduction possible if (field order) k = 1 (mod n) for some k
Avoiding Weak Curves 1.#E(GF(q)) = hn with large prime n, small h and nP=0. 2.#E(GF(q)) ≠ q. 3.The order n of point P should not divide q k -1 for all 1 ≤ k ≤ C, C≥20 in practice.
Approaches to Curve Selection Choose the group order first –Use the Complex Multiplication method (CM) Construct curve from another known curve Choose a random curve –Count points with Schoof’s algorithm or the Schoof- Elkies-Atkin (SEA) algorithm Use a published curve Algorithms: see e.g. IEEE P1363 Annex A. Implementation: see e.g. MIRACL at