Amelia Earhart By Willie
Birth and Childhood Amelia Earhart was born on July 24, She was born at Atchison, Kansas. She thought like no other.
Family Her dad’s name is Edward Earhart. Her mom’s name is Amy Earhart. She also has a sister named, Muriel. She only had two parents and a sister.
Education She went to two schools. She went to college in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the war ended, she enrolled as a pre- medical student at Columbia University.
Husband Her husband’s name is G.P. He was the best man she new. He was the man of her dreams.
Accomplishments She flew across the world alone. Also flew across the Pacific. But she also flew across the Atlantic.
Why Important She helped solders in World War ll. She was the first women to fly a plane. She is important to all women.
Death Amelia disappeared and no one knew what happened. It happened on July 2, She disappeared when she was flying over the Pacific.