The oak tree.


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Presentation transcript:

The oak tree

The oak is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree by many countries. Romania United Kingdom United States of America

It is also the tree of Poland. Bartek oak tree is the best known tree in Poland. It grows between Bartków and Zagańskie in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. It is 700 year old, 30 meters high, the circumference of the trunk at ground level is 13.4 m.

There is a beautiful legend of three brothers, that is connected with the oak and explains the origin of it as a national tree of Poland and the name Gniezno – that was the first capital of the country.

According to the legend there were 3 brothers – Lech, Czech and Rus According to the legend there were 3 brothers – Lech, Czech and Rus. As the lands in which they lived became too small for their families and troops, they decided to leave them in search of new ones. They gathered their people and started their journey. Czech went to the south and founded Czech Republic, while Rus, who went to the east, founded Russia.

Lech went to the north and wandered across vast plains Lech went to the north and wandered across vast plains. He and his troops decided to get rest nearby the old oak tree when they noticed a beautiful white eagle that flew over their heads to perch on its nest.

Having seen the eagle feed its brood, Lech decided that this must be a good land for a new home for him and his people.

The oak became the national tree of Poland, while the capital of the country – where they built their houses around the very oak tree – was called Gniezno – as the name derives from “gniazdo” (that means in Polish “a nest”). The people called themselves Polonians (in Polish: Polanie).