Oklahoma Space Grant Long Range/Endurance UAV projects
Started as an OSGC undergraduate workforce project Team of 2 aerospace engineering undergraduates (OSGC Fellowship Recipients Dustin Gamble, Thomas Hays) Goal was to design a highly efficient electric plane capable of setting FAI world records for range and endurance. F5S class: electric aircraft, sub 5kg (11lb), etc. Lessons learned to be applied to other industry/research projects Students gain valuable hands-on training in UAV’s Background
Federation Aeronautique Internationale FAI Sanctions all international aerospace Records. Dragonfly designed for the F5S Record class. F5S Requirements: 5 Kg (11.02 lb) Electric Maximum surface area 150 dm (16 sq-ft) Min Surface loading of g/dm (.25 lb/sq-ft) Aircraft must be in sight the entire flight Must land and takeoff within 500 m of Claimed spot (1640 feet) Must be observed by FAI official and two additional observers F5S Duration F5S Range
Duration Record held since 1998: 10 Hours 38 Minutes. (Emil Hilber – Switzerland) Multidimensional Optimization problem: Span - Area - battery weight - motor size - gearbox ratio - prop size - prop pitch - Battery Voltage. Maximize battery (fuel) weight Maximize energy storage density Minimize structural weight Maximize aero/propulsive eff. Minimize systems drain Endurance Challenges Difficult constraints (esp. 11lb weight limit) Primary Design Goals
Endurance Challenges (cont.) High Value Endurance High L/D Range
Structural Challenges: High aspect ratio Thin airfoil section (1 inch) Must absorb atmospheric turbulence (2.7g design) Must be extremely light (.5 lb = 1 hour lost) Maintain accurate shape
Streamlining Reduce Drag from cross-section of fuselage Designed around streamline of SD 7032 airfoil at Duration CL Blended Wing Body Junction Reduces interference drag Provides room to store electronics
Power / Energy Sources: Custom Made Lithium Polymer Batteries 560 Wh Total energy capacity (equiv to 329 AA batteries) Lithium Polymer: Light Weight Highest Commercially available energy density. 58g motor 11g gearbox
14.5 ft span 3.7 lb weight without “fuel” 7.3 lb. of Lithium Polymer batteries 40 Watt cruise power, 200 Watt peak Hand-flown, and turned with rudder/dihedral to minimize current draw Dragonfly
Test flying: Verify Handling Qualities Determine actual power consumption Set limits on flying conditions Determine how to land
Attempted record during test flight Used a predetermined route in northern OK From Kildare to Wakita and back Km = 90 miles Flew airplane from convertible Point and Return:
Juri Laidna (Estonia) 49 Miles Dragonfly 89 Miles Dragonfly max range 267 Miles
Dragonfly: Point and Return Mission Dragonfly: Point and Return Mission
Launched at sunrise 41 grams underweight 30 minute pilot shifts Experienced 3G atmospheric turbulence Judged remaining power through telemetry Landed with 9 minutes of power remaining. Duration Record:
Dragonfly: Duration Mission Dragonfly: Duration Mission
Most Memorable Aviation Record of 2006 NAA Luncheon Washington D.C. National Aeronautic Association: United States’ interface to FAI
Oklahoma State University California State University LA Pterosoar Pterosoar (“Winged creature that will rise, fly, or glide high and with little apparent effort”) Joint OSGC/CSGC project 2 additional OSU students, and 4 from CSULA Custom Made PEM Hydrogen Fuel Cell and 4000 psi composite tank 1.8 x the energy capacity of Dragonfly’s Batteries
Fully CNC molded Construction Rapid Design ->Construction -> Test flight (6 weeks) 4-part design for transportation
Pterosoar Point and Return: Distance: 120 Km = 75 miles Launch from Lancaster, CA 17 grams of Hydrogen use Duration Record Attempt is next for The Pterosoar.
Pterosoar: Point and Return Pterosoar: Point and Return