los Adjetivos y el verbo Ser Sra. Waters NHS español I
Unit Objectives Throughout this unit students will revisit: –Greetings & Salutations –the verb Ser in the present tense –Subject pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, etc) Students will be able to: Understand gender as it applies to Spanish nouns & adjectives Practice using definite & indefinite articles Describe their personality & physical attributes as well as those of their friends Express likes and dislikes using the verb Gustar
Lesson Goals Repasar el verbo Ser y usar adjetivos para describir fotos. Quiz sobre el verbo Ser Essential Questions How are the verb Ser & adjetivos connected in Spanish? Can I pass a quiz on the verb Ser right NOW???!!!
Ser Games Ser Music Video
Princess of Ser Remember the verb Ser as this Spanish teacher sings her song
Flip through the magazine looking for a picture of a person(s). Cut it out & glue it onto the construction paper. Write 4 to 5 Spanish sentences to describe the person in the pic Usa el verbo Ser, pronombres y adjetivos. Be CREATIVE! Be SILLY! I will collect as a classwork grade.
Quizitto el viernes