TFPR 1 Task Force Paul Revere Briefer: Lt Col Terry Tichenor Office: ESC/SRC Ext: DSN Date: 19 May 2003
TFPR 2 Paul Revere in FY 03 Evaluate mission relationships and impact of Doctrine, CONOPS, Ops. Architecture and System Architecture on an MC2A-like platform
TFPR 3 Paul Revere - Purpose Paul Revere (LL 707) is a C2 CONSTELLATION ASSET –Rapidly reconfigurable –C2C experimentation, concept demo, integration and assessment –Focus on demonstrating BM C2 and horizontal integration across C2C Employ AT-AOC-like BMC2 functionality to execute Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, Assess (F2T2EA) Demonstrate wideband LOS and BLOS comm Uses modular/flexible/standard hardware/software – MC2A designers get results from experimentation
TFPR 4 Why ESC & N404PA? MIT/LL is an FFRDC with an approved flight facility –US Government designated ESC as contract manager for MIT/LL property – includes GFR responsibility –ESC Commander designates GFR –ESC/SR has history of local flying operations –ESC/CX has rich lab (CEIF) environment ESC/SR has execution oversight ESC/CX has programmatic oversight
TFPR 5 N404PA History Boeing B hangared at Hanscom Field, MA –Purchased in 1989 for $13.5M –Continuous flight test operations for 9 Years Extensive modification for advanced technology test –$22M in structural modifications in 1992 –MIT/Lincoln Laboratory was prime integrator Highly Experienced Test Team –Government and Laboratory flight test crew – 9+ years experience on this airplane SECAF briefed on TFPR concept Oct 01 Funding & Empty Tube in Jan 02 Flew in JEFX 02 Spiral 3 & 4 (June & Aug 02)
TFPR 6 Paul Revere Today Systems Industry Operators Functions ISR-Manager Time Critical Tgt’g Functionality Joint Service Workstation Tactical Common Datalink Theater Battle Mgmt Core Systems Weapons Target Pairing Battle Managers Auto Deep Ops Coord System (Army) Intel Officers Surveillance Technicians Strike Planners Mission Commander AssessEngageTarget Track FixFind Situation Awareness DL Gateway Hunt Decide Strike Core enabler for C4 Enterprise Integration
TFPR 7 Task Force Paul Revere FY03 TeamSPECIALMANAGEMENTOFFICE-MC2A C2TIG / 605th Operational &Assessment AFC2ISRCCX Planning & Team Lead AFEO LOE lead Assessment Assessment CRADA CRADA MEMBERS MEMBERS Boeing, G.D. L3Comcept…. ESC/CX/SRTechnicalLead Flt Ops MIT-LL MIT-LL Integrator IntegratorLead
TFPR 8 “Paul Revere” JEFX 02 Architecture CIGSS Testbed Joint Air Operations Center Initial Paul Revere Employment Concept Predator Paul Revere – 707 Testbed U-2 AWACS JSTARS Link 16 Space Systems F-15E Rivet Joint Tactical Common Data Link SADL
TFPR 9 What We Learned Systems Systems engineering: F2T2EA map Systems “fight their way in” with F2T2EA merit ISR-Manager Time Critical Targeting Functionality Joint Service Workstation Tactical Common Datalink (TCDL) Theater Battle Mgmt Core Systems Weapons Target Pairing Auto Deep Ops Coord System (Army) AssessEngageTargetTrack Fix Find Situation Awareness DL Gateway
TFPR 10 What We Learned (JEFX 02) Horizontal Integration Key to This Effort –Teaming among contractors and operators “Blue Collar Systems Engineering” MIT Lincoln Laboratory
TFPR 11 What We Learned Operators Over 8 months of trust and teaming working through enormous details is priceless asset
TFPR 12 FY 2002 Lesson Learned Doctrine – Multiple AOC Combat Ops –Execution of TCTs by two stand alone entities was not supported by existing AOC doctrine CONOPS – Operational vs. Tactical –CONOPS development for JEFX 2002 showed challenge of transitioning between tactical and operational level of C2 Ops Architecture – Operators in the seat –Use of new AFSC’s, airborne functions, operational level execution in an airborne environment MMI – KVM as level 1 horizontal integration –Disparate systems didn’t allow machine to machine interface, visual interface as first level MMI was insufficient for effective combat ops System Architecture – Plug and Play –Open architecture allowed operators to move without changing system or interfaces Systems - Ruggedization and persistence –Software will require additional “ruggedizing” for an airborne application (RF environment, single point nodes)
TFPR 13 PR FY03 Approach Use Limited Objective Experiments (LOEs) –Mapped to JEFX04 Focus areas –LOE 1: Net Centric Infrastructure (NCI) –LOE 2: Predictive Battlespace Awareness (PBA) –LOE 3: Effects Based Operations (EBO) Use both simulation/simulator (TACCSF) and live venues Identify Min Ops & Assessment Crew for each LOE Map “initiatives” into appropriate LOE
TFPR 14 EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVES OPERATOR Evaluation in the F2T2EA Crucible - What can you do? - What do you need to do? - What would you like to do? Desert Pivot SIMEX Flags and JEFX Performed in Realistic Environments Systems System Architecture MMI/ICD/API Ops Architecture CONOPS Doctrine Lessons learned captured across the full span of the MC2C hierarchy
TFPR 15 Task Force Paul Revere Summary A small team focusing on real solutions for battle- management integration –Stress systems in real environments –Focused operations and operators –Risk reduction for future C2 integration Tangible efforts leading to future capability –Doctrine and CONOPS for new ways to fight –Identify and correct system shortfalls as we use our C2ISR equipment in new ways –Rapidly create actionable information