Wright Brothers The American Inventors of the “Aeroplane” Aveon Irving 5K
Early Life Wilbur Wright was born April 16, 1867. He was born in Millville, Indiana. Orville Wright was born August 19, 1871. Orville was born in Dayton Ohio. They both grew up in Dayton, Ohio. They had two older brothers named Reuchlin and Lorin. They also had a younger sister named, Katherine. Their father, Milton, was the bishop of the United Brethren Church. Wilbur and Orville both learned to read, especially about science. When they were 11 and 15, they made kites and sold them. In 1889, their mother died of tuberculosis and Orville dropped out of high school. Orville made a newspaper of his own called ”West Side News” at 17.
The Wright Brother’s Biography Both brothers didn’t drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or get married. They were very alike. Their mother died when they were in their teens. In 1892 they rented a small building and started a bicycle shop. They sold and repaired bicycles. They became interested in flying after reading about Otto Lilienthal's gliding experiments. Then they made a glider that weighed fifty two pounds. On December 17, 1903 their “aeroplane” flew off the off the cliff of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orville flew to France.
They lived with there dad when there mother died They lived with there dad when there mother died. There dad was not always home because he worked alot. So they didn’t get to see him often. They was always by each other side. In Kitty Hawk, North Carolina the Wright Brothers flew their glider but it crashed. They made their first aeroplane that went 12 seconds and 120 feet. Wilbur went first to Kitty Hawk because Orville had to keep the bicycle shop rolling. Wilbur took a flight for Kitty Hawk. A few hours later it landed. Then he took a boat the rest of the way. A storm passed. They waited in a cove. Then they went to Kitty Hawk. They won a Newbery award.
Inventions They invented the glider but it went wrong. They also made the airplane. There first airplane went 12 seconds and 120 feet. There airplane was an success. Their aeroplane is in the National museum in Washington, DC.
Bibliography Books: Franchere, Ruth. The Wright Brothers. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972. Freedom, Russell. The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the airplane. New York: Holiday, 1991. Website: “Wright Brothers” 2005 WWW.wright brothers.com