By Jackie Menear
Early Years Nellie Bly flew around the world in 72 days.
Schools Nellie Bly was first home schooled.
Nellie Bly’s Interests Nellie Bly loved to write journals for people around the world.
Family Life Nellie’s father was a judge. Nellie’s mother traveled and she would always go with her
Nellie’s Job(s) Nellie Bly’s only job was being an American Journalist.
Later Years Her husband “Robert Livingston Seaman” died Nellie Bly wrote a book called “World War 1”
Special Things on Nellie Bly She was adopted Her real name is “Elizabeth Seaman”
Character Traits Adventurous- Nellie flew around the world in 72 days Talented Writer- She wrote books for people around the world Adventurous- Nellie flew around the world in 72 days Talented Writer- She wrote books for people around the world Intellegent-Nellie Bly was home schooled when she was younger