Five Little Bees
One little bee blew and flew. He met a friend, and that made …….. SAMPLE ONLY 1 one
Two little bees, busy as could be Along came another and that made ……… One little bee blew and flew. He met a friend, and that made two. Two little bees, busy as could be Along came another and that made ……… 2 two SAMPLE ONLY Five little bees working every hour-- Buzz away, bees, and find another flower.
Three little bees, wanted one more, Found one soon and that made ………… 3 three SAMPLE ONLY
Four little bees, going to the hive Four little bees, going to the hive. Spied their little brother, and that made .. 4 four SAMPLE ONLY
Five little bees working every hour-- Buzz away, bees, and find another flower! 5 five SAMPLE ONLY If your back button doesn’t work……… to return to your last webpage CLICK HERE