On Dec 15, 2009, Rainier left Everett for Manchester to off-load her cargo oil On leaving Manchester the crew got their last look of their name sake, Mt.Rainier On the Salish Sea, Rainier headed for Portland
Arriving at Swan Island Portland, Oregon
The Kaiser yard at Swan Island, Portland, boasted with good reason that its workers were the "Tanker Champions of the World." The reason: The tanker champion flag flew over the Swan Island yard for twelve out of the fifteen months up to the end of 1944-and from the date of the yard's construction this yard had delivered 134 of the great T2 tankers. Before WWII, Swan Island was an airport
USNS Rainier TAOE-7 was moored here when Kawishiwi crew veteran, Robert Munoz FN , was able to take a couple photos from the bliff View USS Hassayampa AO-145 dry docking in Ports/Portland/Swan-Island.html Ports/Portland/Swan-Island.html
Photos from the bluff
USNS Rainier TAOE-7, Christmas 2009
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