The Turtle and the Eagle By Alyssa P.
The turtle and the eagle lived in the sky. They liked to fly around the clouds and play tag. The turtle’s name was Tia. She was very smart. She didn’t like to swim. That’s why she moved to the sky. The eagle’s name was Cam. He was very good at flying. He had big wings with lots of strong feathers.
One day, Tia and Cam were playing tag. Tia was “it.” She flew as fast as she could. She tried hard, but she could not catch the eagle. “Can’t catch me!” Cam called back. “I’m too fast, and you’re too slow!”
Then, the turtle had an idea. Some flying things were even faster than Cam. Airplanes were very, very fast! “Airplanes don’t have feathers. They have motors that make them go fast!” Tia said to herself.
A few days later, Tia got a big, brown box in the mail. It was from a shop that made toy airplanes. She looked inside the box. There was a toy motor that was almost as big as she was. The turtle tied the motor to her shell and looked in the mirror. It looked a little strange. But it also looked fast!
The next day, Tia and Cam played tag again. When the eagle flew away, he heard the motor buzz. He looked back. Tia was only a few inches away! Then, Tia tagged him. Cam laughed and laughed. Now, Tia could fly just as fast as he could! “We can play tag every day. It will be even more fun now!” he said. And that’s what they did.