Aristotle’s Poetics First example of literary criticism
Tragedy Purpose of tragedy is to bring about a catharsis of spectators—to arouse in them sensations of pity and fear, and to purge them of these emotions so they leave the theater feeling cleansed and uplifted.
Six elements of tragedy Plot Character Diction Thought (theme) Spectacle (scenic effect) Song
Tragedy “Is an imitation, not of men, but of action and life, of happiness and misery. Life consists of action…action makes men happy or wretched. “ Plot is most significant element of tragedy; character is second. Plot requires a central theme.
Plot Moves from good fortune to calamity. Recognition scenes. Reversals.
Tragic hero High birth Neither totally good nor evil Weakness in character/error in judgment causes tragic misfortune. Aristotle considered Oedipus to be the quintessential tragic hero.