Aristotle He was one of the first students of government. Politics, democracy and republic all originated in ancient Greece and Rome.
The State A political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government.
Nation A group of people united by common bonds of race, language, custom, tradition and sometimes religion.
Features of A State Population Territory Sovereignty government
Theories of the Origin of the State Our government developed out of the social contract theory. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were both students of this theory and said that no government existed without the authority of the people.
Purposes of Government Maintain social order Provide public service Provide national security Make economic decisions
Lucky 13 E Pluribus Unum means out of many one
The Federal System America has a federal government which divides the power between the national and state governments.
Constitution It is a plan that provides the rules for government. We have a constitutional government which places limits on the power of those who govern.
Preamble It is a statement about the major goals of the American government.
Constitutional Law The interpretation and application of the constitution and the extent and limits of government power.
Politics It is the effort to control and influence the conduct and policies of government.
The Federalist Papers It was a series of articles written by James Madison to express concern that a small group of people united by special interests would hinder the new nation from forming.
Types of Government Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy
Democracy We have a representative democracy because we elect people and give them the responsibility to make laws and govern. We do not have a true democracy.
Democracy We believe in individual liberty We believe in majority rule with respect to minority rights.
Endo v. United States A key supreme court case that overturned the war relocation program in WWII. The courts said that firing people from their jobs and holding them in custody because of their race or national origin is in violation of individual liberties.
Laissez-faire This means the government should keep its hands off the economy.
Adam Smith Philosopher who provided a philosophy for free markets. He wrote the book called The Wealth of Nations.