Directions: 1)Define ‘Philosophy’ with your group and write it down on the white board - You can use your phones or a dictionary 2)What do you think can we learn from Philosophy? (Answer in your notebook) BELL WORK
OBJECTIVES I will be able to identify and describe the Ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle I will be able to ‘philosophize’ about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle’s ideas
SOCRATES 469 – 399 BCE in Athens, Greece Written dialogues by his disciples Question EVERYTHING! Socratic seminar anyone? Praised by Plato Criticized by Aristophanes “The Clouds” Trial of Socrates Sophist and corrupting the youth “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing”
PLATO (ARISTOCLES) 427 – 347 BCE in Athens, Greece Plato = nickname for ‘broad’ Student of Socrates The Academy = 1 st university in Europe Wrote many books including Socrates The Republic Government = aristocracy based on education Rulers (Philosophers), Warriors, and Commoners
ARISTOTLE 384 BCE in Stagira, Greece to 322 BCE in Chalcis, Greece Well educated – father was a doctor 18 – sent to Plato’s Academy Student and teacher (20 years) Founded the Assus Academy in Atarneus (Asia Minor) with Xenocrates Hermeias = ruler of Atameus On the Soul Soul and body interdependent Tutored Alexander the Great Founded the Lyceum Academy
SOCRATES PHILOSOPHY He suggests that what is to be considered a good act is not good because gods say it is, but is good because it is useful to us in our efforts to be better and happier people. This means that ethics is no longer a matter of surveying the gods or scripture for what is good or bad, but rather thinking about life. He even placed individual conscience above the law -- quite a dangerous position to take! Philosophize Why do people commit “good acts?” 0ne person at each table is designated as the ‘why’ questioner – ask why after EVERY statement
PLATO PHILOSOPHY Plato believed that the best form of government would be an aristocracy based on education. He also outlined a theory of history, just like Marx, but instead after a democracy, a tyranny would rule the people. Philosophize Which theory of history is more correct, Plato or Marx? Which form of government will prevail in society (aristocracy, communism, democracy, tyranny, timocracy…) 0ne person at each table is designated as the ‘why’ questioner – ask why after EVERY statement
ARISTOTLE PHILOSOPHY Philosophize Is reasons always correct? Is desire always wrong? Can the two coincide harmoniously? 0ne person at each table is designated as the ‘why’ questioner – ask why after EVERY statement “There are two powers in the soul which appear to be moving forces -- desire and reason. But desire prompts actions in violation of reason... desire... may be wrong.”
HOMEWORK Choose one philosopher and, based on their ideas, write a page about what they would philosophize about today.