The History of Taxonomy How did we get the modern system for classifying all species of organisms?
Aristotle 4 th century BC ( BC) Greek philosopher Wicked smart guy First person to suggest classifying organisms
Aristotle’s Classification System (Only two groups of living things. Can you guess what they were?) Plants Animals (Which he divided into three subgroups. Can you guess what they were? Those that fly Those that walk Those that swim
Aristotle’s classification system was simple, but it lasted for about 2000 years! And then, along came…
Carol__ Linnae__ ( ) Swedish scientist Fascinating man Agreed with Aristotle (plants and animals), but grouped them further, based on their form. Considered the Father of Modern Taxonomy.
Linnae also invented the way we give scientific names to organisms. Look at some scientific names (“binomials”). What do you notice about how they are written? Canis familiaris Felis domesticus Homo sapiens Mephitis mephitis Quercus alba Acer saccharum Mus musculus Equus zebra Usually Latin Two names (genus and species) “binomials” Only capitalize first letter of the genus Italics or underlined
Carol was a very interesting fellow. (Click on the image for a short video on Linnaeus.) He even changed his own name to sound like it was Latin! (“Carolus Linnaeus”) Personally named over 13,000 species. Made his famous “garden clock.”