The Paraphrasing Strategy The Learning Strategy Series The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning Lawrence, Kansas Presented by FIN and FDLRS Bonnie Dupuis Jolene Ahlschwede Jami Yost University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
What challenges do you see for students and teachers in schools today?
Low Achieving Students Demands/Characteristics Academically Socially Motivationally
SIM Learning Strategies Content Enhancement
Learning Strategies Curriculum Strategies Related to Reading Strategies Related to Storing and Remembering Information Word Mapping Word Identification Visual Imagery Self Questioning Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing Paraphrasing Inference First Letter Mnemonic Paired Associates LINCs Vocabulary
Learning Strategies Curriculum Strategies Related to Expressing Information Strategies Related to Demonstrating Competence Fundamentals of Sentence Writing Proficiency in Sentence Writing Paragraph Writing Error Monitoring InSPECT Spelling Errors Theme Writing Assignment Completion Test Taking Essay Test Taking
SIM Content Enhancement Routines Learning Strategies A way of teaching an academically diverse group of students in which: both group and individual needs are valued and met; the integrity of the content is maintained; critical features of the content are selected and transformed in a manner that promotes student learning; and instruction is carried out in a partnership with students.
Increasing Performance Content Enhancement Routines Planning and Leading Learning Course Organizer Unit Organizer Lesson Organizer Teaching Concepts Concept Mastery Routine Concept Anchoring Routine Concept Comparison Routine Exploring Text, Topics, & Details LINCS Vocabulary Routine Framing Routine Survey Routine Clarifying Routine Order Routine Increasing Performance Quality Assignment Routine Question Exploration Routine Recall Enhancement Routine
What SIM means to ME! Popcorn – Pop up and shout out one thought about SIM
KUD for Today Know- The 8 stages of the Paraphrasing Strategy Understand-How the Paraphrasing Strategy can impact the students’ ability to paraphrase information in order to improve student achievement. Do- Implement the 8 stages of the Paraphrasing Strategy with students. University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Book Walk and Resources Paraphrasing Strategy Book Walk and Resources p. 1 Introduction Instructional Stages : p. 11 Pretest & Obtain Commitment to Learn p. 16 Describe p. 23 Model p. 27 Verbal Practice p. 32 Controlled Practice and Feedback p. 37 Advanced Practice and Feedback p. 40 Posttest & Obtain Commitment to Generalize p. 44 Generalization p. 57 Appendix A: Evaluation Guidelines p. 65 Appendix B: Instructional Materials p. 44 Phase 1: Orientation p. 46 Phase 2: Activation p. 50 Phase 3: Adaptation p. 55 Phase 4: Maintenance Bonnie will bring tabs and fine markers. Make copies for them have at tables (13) University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Overview Pertinent setting demands Reading, understanding, and remembering written information. Purpose of this strategy To make the student active in the reading process by requiring the student to search out and state the main ideas and details of each paragraph. University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Lesson Essential Questions How do the Steps to the Paraphrasing Strategy help me remember important information for future use? How can I demonstrate that I understand and can use The Paraphrasing Strategy using controlled practice? How can I demonstrate that I can use The Paraphrasing Strategy in my classes? University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Rationales Behind the Paraphrasing Steps Paraphrasing Strategy Rationales Behind the Paraphrasing Steps 1. The strategy requires the student to actively interact with and think about the material rather than passively reading it. 2. Following a step-by-step process requires a high level of attention during a reading activity. 3. “Chunking” material into small units facilitates better memory and subsequent recall of the material. Jolene University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Results Percentage of Comprehension Questions Answered Correctly This early strategy study was done by KU-CRL staff members with secondary LD students in 1988. Before Instruction After Grade Level Materials Reading Level 51% 80% 48% 84% Bonnie will do University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Bonnie will do this slide University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Student Folder Contents Manila folder- Allow students to personalize 1st day- folder contains Pretest Passage/ Notebook paper 2nd day- Test Questions w/ answer sheet and Score Sheet Ongoing- New Passages for Controlled Practices with Score Sheet Eventual contents: Cue Cards University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Paraphrasing Strategy Did on document camera as a WHOLE CLASS and did not use student names. One time shot to show class progress University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Use with management chart to have them write goals in as teacher does management chart. Teacher keeps in her files and uses for conferencing. University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Anatomy of the Paraphrasing Strategy R Read a paragraph A Ask yourself, “What were the main ideas and details in this paragraph?” P Put the main idea and details into your own words The first letters spell the mnemonic word “rap”; the meaning of which is related to the behavior. The strategy steps are task-specific (reading), not situation or content specific. The student uses self- instruction of the strategy steps to cue self of what to do. Only a few steps are used to facilitate complex cognitive processes. Each step of the strategy begins with a verb that facilitates a more active response. The wording of steps is simple and brief. This step cues the reader to use the cognitive strategy of self-questioning. This step cues the reader to relationally organize the information and decide what is important and unimportant. This step cues reader to use a transformational strategy (paraphrasing) to elaborate on the information from the paragraph. This step elicits an overt response that can be evaluated and on which corrective feedback can be provided. Jami does this slide University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Pretest/Commitment Page 11 in Manual Student conferences with teacher and commits to learning the strategy Two days for Pretest Participants take pretest and sign commitment Bonnie has higher reading level passage. How do we do pretest without tape recorder? University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Describe Page 16 in manual Preparation Section Bold print Quotations Point out bold print for script and tell participants they may want to highlight script Jolene University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Model Listen as Bonnie models the passage, “Wandering in the Wilds” Refer to Cue Cards #1-3 Model stage begins on p. 23 in manual Bonnie University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Strategy Verbal Practice Students need to understand and master Cue Card #3 and Verbal Checklist (p. 68 manual) Provide Practice for students to master steps Complete Paraphrasing Verbal Practice Checklist for student. Collaborative Pairs with knee to knee with visual on power Bouncy Balls Games (pyramid) Flash Cards/Digital Flash Cards Dueling Charts University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Paraphrasing Verbal Rehearsal Checklist Student’s Name: Attempts Steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 % % % % % % University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 Read a paragraph Ask what you need Put the main idea and details into your own words Percentage correct Date
Ideas for Verbal Practice Bouncy Balls Games (pyramid) Flash Cards/Digital Flash Cards Dueling Charts University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Steps for Paraphrasing Step 1 Read a paragraph. Step 2 Ask yourself, “What were the main ideas and details in this paragraph?” Step 3 Put the main ideas and details into your own words. Step 4 Note the words University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 25
3! 1000 How many days until Spring Break! Subject and verb A paraphrase must contain a complete thought with… 500 Where can this strategy be used? 600 Anytime a student needs to read for information 200 What does P stand for? Put the main idea and details into your own words How many stages are in the strategy 8 300 What does N stand for? Note the words 400 25 50 75 What does R stand for? The Paraphrasing Strategy What is the name of the strategy we are learning today? The Strategic Instruction Model What does SIM stand for? Read a paragraph What does A stand for? 100 Ask yourself, “ What were the main idea and details in this paragraph?
Paraphrasing Strategy Controlled Practice Lets look at our Kit! Refer to Progress Chart Provide passages near grade level (scaffold for students according to individual level) Score Sheet for Controlled Practice (students record title of passage on blank score sheet) Grading This is a more in depth explanation of the information that was front loaded earlier This is where your best teaching skills have to be in place! 6-8 weeks worth of commitment! University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Advanced Practice Capable of making the leap from applying the strategy to materials written at their reading levels to materials written at their grade levels Refer to Progress Chart for mastery levels Getting them ready for Generalization in Gen. Ed. Classes. University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Posttest and Commitment Pass a grade level passage with mastery. (80% paraphrasing, 70% comprehension) University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Generalization Four Phases: Orientation (Materials) Activation (Assignment Sheet) Adaptation (Situations, Practice) Maintenance (Ongoing Practice) Teacher and students take ownership of strategy University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Scoring Read Appendix A : Evaluation Guidelines pp. 57-59 Read Passage (red sheets) Review Sample Student Paraphrase Practice Scoring on red Score Sheet University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Dueling Charts for the Strategy University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006
Follow Up- Due May 4, 2012 Join our SIM Wikispace (an invitation will be emailed to you from Wikispaces.) Answer 3 discussion questions for Paraphrasing on wikispace Give the Pretest to a student, grade, and provide feedback Complete Verbal Practice Checklist with student Send Pretest, Graded Score sheet, Verbal Practice Checklist to: Bonnie Dupuis, FIN Bartow Municipal Airport Rt E University of Kansas Cener for Research on Learning 2006