1301: Week 3 Mr. Labriola Section 003 and 020
Roadmap Take Roll Participation Assignment Summary (Discussion) Homework Class Activities Paraphrase (Discussion) Homework Class Activities Brief Assignment #2 (Description) Graded example of BA2
“Do Now” Take out a sheet of paper This will be collected When you are finished bring the paper up to the front of the room.
“Do Now” 1. What is “summary?” 2. What is “paraphrase?”
Summary (Discussion) What are qualities of a good summary? Putting together main points (from an article, book, etc) Concision Present the source fairly and accurately What are qualities of a bad summary? Don’t include irrelevant information not too wordy Don’t insert you opinion
Summary (Discussion) Real World Summaries: When would you need to summarize in your profession? Movie review Summarize your plan Business contracts What your business is
Summary (Homework) The Huffington Post Article Main Summary Points New ways to increase memory Electromagnetic jolts use it as a cure for memory loss Half the people retained 20-25% more memory
Summary (Activities) Take 5 minutes and make a list of everything you did on Labor Day. In bullet points
Summary (Activities) Now take that list you just made and give it to the person sitting next to you. Now, having somebody else’s list, summarize it in two sentences or less.
Questions about Summary?
Paraphrase (Discussion) What are some qualities of a good paraphrase? What are some qualities of a bad paraphrase?
Paraphrase (Homework) The Huffington Post Article Some paraphrasing Examples
Paraphrase (Activity) Original sentence: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample its exquisite wines. Paraphrased sentence: Be sure to include a Tuscan wine-tasting experience when visiting Italy. Original sentence: Willy Wonka was famous for his delicious candy. Children and adults loved to eat it. Paraphrased sentence: Willy Wonka was known throughout the world because people enjoyed eating the tasty candy he made.
Activities Take a minute and think about your favorite movie Now take 5 minutes and write down the summary of this movie
Activities Now, take your favorite scene How can you describe that scene? Do you have a favorite quote that a characters says? Do you not remember it verbatim? Can you paraphrase it?
Questions about Paraphrase or Summary? YOU NEED TO CITE A PARAPHRASE
Brief Assignment #2 Due 9/12/14 at 11:59pm THERE IS NO WORD COUNT. Objective: To demonstrate your ability to summarize and paraphrase portions of a text. Purpose: Summarizing and paraphrasing are important skills for academic writers. You will need to be able to condense other writers' ideas into your own words so that you can write research papers, analytical papers, argumentative papers, and other types of academic writing. In addition, summarizing and paraphrasing will help you prepare for the rhetorical analysis, where you will need to be able to succinctly state an author's purpose and discuss specific passages of an article. For this assignment, you will write both a summary and a paraphrase of a text. Use the discussion about summaries and paraphrases in Part 3, Section 12f 2&3 of The St. Martin’s Handbook to assist you in doing so.
Brief Assignment #2 Description, Part One, Article Summary The following four articles are located in Ch. 16 of your textbook. To complete your article summary, select one of the articles from the list below OR use a different article chosen by your classroom instructor. Your summary of an article should follow the summary writing guidelines discussed in Section 12f 3. Articles to summarize (all from First-Year Writing): “The New Sovereignty,” Shelby Steele 450 “My Pedagogic Creed,” John Dewey 460 “The American Scholar,” Ralph Waldo Emerson 468
Brief Assignment #2 Description, Part Two, Paraphrase Assignment After you’ve completed your summary, you will paraphrase a brief but complex passage from the same text. Your goal in this assignment is to restate the ideas of the passage in your own words and do so in a way that is readable and understandable. To complete this assignment, choose a passage from the texts above OR one selected by your instructor that is part of the text you summarized and paraphrase that passage. Identify the page number and paragraph number of the original passage (i.e. p. 205, paragraph 1) above your paraphrase so that your instructor can easily see the changes you have made to express the ideas of the passage in your own words.
Paragraphs for Paraphrasing Paragraph 22 (p.456) in "The New Sovereignty" by Shelby Steele Paragraph 34 (p.464) in "My Pedagogical Creed" by John Dewey Paragraph 18 (p.473) in "The American Scholar" by Ralph Waldo Emerson